ment 3/28 '19 posted

• Apple은 이를 통해 키보드 입력이 조용히 된다고 말하고 있지만, 멤브레인의 진정한 목적은 쓰레기가 키 기구에 들어가는 것을 방지하여 키의 고착이나 자동 반복 키 등의 문제를 해결하는 것을 목표로 합니다.
• MacBook Pro에서 작성한 월스트리트 저널의 편집장인 Joanna Stern은 E와 R 키가 실패한 것을 강조했습니다.
• "나는 이 키보드를 Apple 사상 최악의 제품이라고 생각하고있다"고 Apple 유력 블로거, John Gruber가 수요일에 썼습니다.
• 그루버가 말했듯이, 애플은 노트북 키보드의 가라 앉은 명성과 이러한 서술과 거리를 두기 위해 앞으로 몇 개월 동안 도리에 맞는 디자인 변경을 해야 할 것입니다.

Uncharacteristically, Apple has commented on the ongoing issues with its controversial butterfly…
Apple is sorry that "a small number of users" are still having issues with the butterfly keyboard []
A critical component in your expensive new MacBook…
Apple apologizes for continuing MacBook keyboard problems []
At the Wall Street Journal, Joanna Stern reports that the ultra-thin butterfly keyboards on…
Hr's how to protct your Appl MacBook kyboard []
Devestating column from Joanna Stern on the continuing saga of the unreliable keyboards in Apple’s…
‘Appl Still Hasn’t Fixd Its MacBook Kyboad Problm’ []
Companies like iFixit and Simple Mac might disagree. They…
Apple acknowledges keyboard problems with recent MacBooks []
Last year, Apple introduced new MacBook Pro and MacBook Air models with a redesigned…
Apple Apologizes Over 'Small Number' of Users Who Continue to Have Issues With Third-Generation MacBook Keyboards []
Apple has apologized to its users about keyboard issues affecting its latest…
Apple apologizes for broken laptop keyboards []
With its MacBook keyboards in the spotlight again thanks to a bruising column from Joanna Stern…
Apple apologizes for continued reliability problems with its MacBook keyboards []
Apple is once again facing some criticism for the keyboard design on its lineup of laptops.…
Apple Apologizes to People Complaining About Broken MacBook Keys []
Apple blogger John Gruber called Apple's butterfly keyboard "the worst product in Apple history"…
MacBook butterfly keyboard called 'worst product in Apple history' []

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3/28 '19 answered

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Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
3/28 '19 answered

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