Looks like this is the code-name "fluorite" Google Fi plan I spotted a few months back:https://t.co/hcCDEQT2PZ
— Mishaal Rahman (@MishaalRahman) September 17, 2019
Google Fi Offers an Unlimited Plan Now - https://t.co/1FTCOH6Nfa pic.twitter.com/hCkeMTL4Tg
— Paul Thurrott (@thurrott) September 17, 2019
Looks like @googlefi has an unlimited option now at $70 a month.
— Ty Smith (@tsmith) September 17, 2019
It's still my favorite carrier, purely for international travel.https://t.co/jnNPYb5Oqi
Ooo Google Fi now offering a totally unlimited data (well, throttled after 22GB instead of the 15GB like the older regular pricing) and international plan for $70/month. It seems like it is only for one "line" though - wonder if data-only sim counts https://t.co/LWwQTnmryv
— Paul Stamatiou ? (@Stammy) September 17, 2019
> Google “at any time” may optimize video streaming to 480p quality, while data speeds are throttled after using 22GB in a month
— Alex Barredo ? (@somospostpc) September 17, 2019
"unlimited means limited? What a country!"
just go home, Googlehttps://t.co/YjQUB9TpTc
Google Fiが通話・データ通信無制限のプランを出すとのこと。月額70ドルで、家族で使うなど複数回線の場合は1回線あたり45ドルまで下がる。世界50カ国で使えて、100GBぶんのGoogle One容量も特典としてついてくる。今Google Fiに申し込むとPixel 3が半額で買える。すごいhttps://t.co/Zsn50VFixU
— Kohei Asai (@axross_) September 17, 2019
Google Fi launches a more traditional unlimited plan https://t.co/Hd6xQO5tQE pic.twitter.com/mZqwwuDvvP
— The Verge (@verge) September 17, 2019
구글 Fi 통신서비스가 전통적 방식의 무제한 플랜을 발표. 혼자 가입시 월 70불,4인 가족 기준으론 1인당 45불로 가격이 내려가며 각 사용자에게 100GB의 구글 원 스토리지(월 2불)를 무료 제공. 새 플랜 기념으로 구글 Fi 가입시 픽셀 3/3XL 폰을 50% 할인 https://t.co/TplROt1msF pic.twitter.com/CwwTIuglOM
— 박수민 / Soomin Park (@minist) September 17, 2019
The new Unlimited plan from @googlefi includes free international calls from the U.S. to 50 countries and territories, and unlimited data and texting abroad in 200 destinations at no extra charge. https://t.co/Mqp7mEoeF8
— Peggy K (@PeggyKTC) September 17, 2019
구글 Fi 통신서비스가 전통적 방식의 무제한 플랜을 발표.
— jungup (@jungup) September 18, 2019
- 혼자 가입시 월 70불,4인 가족 기준으론 1인당 45불
- 각 사용자에게 100GB의 구글 원 스토리지(월 2불)를 무료 제공
- 새 플랜 기념으로 구글 Fi 가입시 픽셀 3/3XL 폰을 50% 할인 https://t.co/JGaugwCyKN
Google Fi finally has an unlimited plan https://t.co/sSdgJOlE86 #nerdgasms #technews
— Nerdgasms Daily (@NerdgasmsDaily) September 17, 2019
#googlefi finally has a plan worth getting. Unlimited everything, Data speeds throttled after 22GB (that's each line)
— ROB (@_ROB_111) September 17, 2019
And as a Bonus the #Pixel3 and #Pixel3XL are both 50% off until tomorrowhttps://t.co/Tx813AQeCk
Google Fi gets an unlimited plan – TechCrunch https://t.co/9CCLSUgCkQ #mobile
— Evan Kirstel (@evankirstel) September 17, 2019
Google Fi gets an unlimited plan – TechCrunch https://t.co/dVVyMU9WhO pic.twitter.com/OzyjyGFT09
— Rich Tehrani (@rtehrani) September 17, 2019