It’s time to break free of the automatic upgrade-smartphone-every-2-years cycle. @bxchen on why:
— Pui-Wing Tam (@puiwingtam) September 17, 2019
So, basically Apple just managed to get to the level Pixel had two years ago doing marginally better. Just incremental improvement of Pixel's computational photography is just enough to beat it. Anyway, we all will benefit off this derby.
— Michael Babich (@MichaelBabich) September 17, 2019
Today appears to be the day that everyone acknowledges that iPhone XR/XS cameras weren’t great, especially vs. comp like Pixel 3 and P30. Glad I skipped (1st time ever). #iPhoneX4lyfe
— Seth Weintraub (@llsethj) September 17, 2019
Up to my old tricks. I took the iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11 to Disneyland and put them through their paces. Spoiler, the camera is great. Night mode destroys.
— Matthew Panzarino (@panzer) September 17, 2019
The Pixel 2/3 were such a phenomenal leap ahead of the iPhone, and this seems barely a few steps ahead of those. I'd be surprised if Apple doesn't look like it's playing catchup in a few short weeks again.
— Owen Williams ⚡ (@ow) September 17, 2019
The official New York Times iPhone upgrade position:
— David Ruddock (@RDRv3) September 17, 2019
don't buy a new iPhone if yours isn't at least five years old.
I'm genuinely shocked at how good the iPhone 11 camera looks. I figured best-case scenario it'd be equal to the Pixel 3, but it actually seems to be... way better?
— David Pierce (@pierce) September 17, 2019
It's absolutely true phones are staying useful longer, especially now since Apple is replacing iPhone batteries cheaply, and has continued with much longer software update support than any Android OEM.
— David Ruddock (@RDRv3) September 17, 2019
Apple is doing more to *keep* customers than any other smartphone brand.
That said, I think most people should get the regular iPhone 11, which offers most of the same features, including the main camera and terrific battery life, for $300 less. You just don’t get an OLED or a telephoto camera.
— nilay patel (@reckless) September 17, 2019
Sorry, @Apple, but I agree with everything in this article from @nytimestech. Not enough innovation to drive upgrades anymore. #tech #iphone
— Nate Strong (@ndlstrong) September 17, 2019
Historically, whenever Apple releases a new iPhone, it makes the iPhone from two years ago look obsolete and meh. Not so with the iPhone 11 — the 2017 iPhone X is still great in comparison. It’s time to reset our upgrade criteria. My untraditional review:
— Brian X. Chen (@bxchen) September 17, 2019
How insane is it that companies have convinced us that, every two years, we need to get rid of a very expensive and perfectly functional possession.
— Mick Krever (@mickbk) September 17, 2019
HT @bxchen:
Specifically, their review says that unless you have an iPhone 6 (2014 model year) or older, there's no need to buy an iPhone 11. And that's only so you get iOS 13.
— David Ruddock (@RDRv3) September 17, 2019
Imagine suggesting to someone they shouldn't upgrade their Android phone unless it was a Galaxy S5 or older. lol
I feel fairly vindicated for saying the iPhone XS camera was not great in our review last year. In comparison to the iPhone 11 it is just a blurry mess.
— nilay patel (@reckless) September 17, 2019
A smartphone review that actually considers the buying patterns for smartphones:
— Shira Ovide (@ShiraOvide) September 17, 2019
genuinely curious if the NYT will be given an embargoed review of the iPhone 12 next year if this is their review of the iPhone 11
— alex hern (@alexhern) September 17, 2019
For the portion of that 62% who will upgrade this year, an upgrade to the Xr, 11, 11 Pro will be a big step up. This is the context to remember when thinking about upgrade cycles.
— Ben Bajarin (@BenBajarin) September 17, 2019
I’ve spent the past week reviewing the iPhone 11 and iPhone 11 Pro. I think Apple finally beat the Pixel camera - the iPhone 11 Pro camera is the best I’ve seen on a phone, and I saw a huge increase in battery life.
— nilay patel (@reckless) September 17, 2019
iPhone 11 and 11 Pro review: "We are now living in the golden age of smartphones, where the gadgets’ improvements each year are far from seismic," writes @bxchen. "The bottom line? It’s time to reset our upgrade criteria."
— The New York Times (@nytimes) September 17, 2019
Here's my look at Technical Readouts we collected from iPhone 11 / 11 Pro units in the wild, offering a peek at what's new in iPhone camera hardware. Some notable camera changes!
— Sebastiaan de With (@sdw) September 17, 2019
With the reviews out, knowing a big portion of Apple’s installed base is still on 3 yr old phones or more is helpful. So here are some estimates of the base of devices in use.
— Ben Bajarin (@BenBajarin) September 17, 2019
Pre-iPhone 6=8%
iPhone 6 = 10%
iPhone 7=21%
iPhone 8=23%
62% of base WW not on X or later.
It's no secret that I thought the camera on the XS was a hot mess. But photos taken on new iPhone 11 and 11 Pro are genuinely impressive. This is without doubt the best camera on any smartphone today. The Pixel 4 is going to have to be astonishingly good to beat it
— James Bareham (@Happicamp) September 17, 2019
Interesting. @reckless at @verge says if your iPhone is older than the XR, the 11 is worth getting.
— Dwight Silverman (@dsilverman) September 17, 2019
But @BrianXCHEN at @nytimestech says consider it if your iPhone is 5 years or older.
The NYT recommending that you shoot flash photos instead of upgrading your phone is some wild 2019 chaos energy
— nilay patel (@reckless) September 17, 2019
I've not seen any Android manufacturer seriously entertain the idea that a customer using a phone 4-5 years after it's released should still have a "good" experience. And I'm not saying using an iPhone 6 is great in 2019, but I'm sure it's livable.
— David Ruddock (@RDRv3) September 17, 2019
A Galaxy S5 in 2019? uhhhhhhh
.@bxchen generally advised upgrading to the newest iPhone if you had your existing smartphone for two years. But something has now changed.
— NYT Business (@nytimesbusiness) September 17, 2019
Not upgrading your phone is the new upgrading your phone.
— Martin SFP Bryant (@MartinSFP) September 17, 2019
“I wouldn’t recommend that you buy a new phone just to get better night photos. You could always just use flash.”
— Shawn King (@ShawnKing) September 17, 2019
I wish the NYT would get reviewers who knew what the fuck they were talking about rather than letting the janitor do them.
iPhone 11 and 11 Pro review: "We are now living in the golden age of smartphones, where the gadgets’ improvements each year are far from seismic," writes @bxchen. "The bottom line? It’s time to reset our upgrade criteria."
— NYT Business (@nytimesbusiness) September 17, 2019
Browsing through the iPhone 11 reviews: too bad the "upgrading from XS or XR" and "should you give up your XS for 11 Pro" angles are so strong, as if most readers were upgrading iPhone every year, like tech journalists. Pretty sure the vast majority is not.
— Nicolas Magand (@nicolasmagand) September 17, 2019
tip @Techmeme
Apple iPhone 11 Pro and Pro Max review: the battery life is real, by @reckless
— The Verge (@verge) September 17, 2019
iPhone review day, iPhone review day.
— Helen Havlak (@anotherhelen) September 17, 2019
iPhone 11 Pro and Pro Max:
iPhone 11:
here are a couple of short things from @reckless for you to read and watch over breakfast or on your commute this morning
— dan seifert (@dcseifert) September 17, 2019
The iPhone 11 and 11 Pro reviews that are out today confirm it: this is a huge leap in camera quality. We can't wait to have Halide on these phones!
— Halide (@halidecamera) September 17, 2019
The time of year when the truth sinks in, and I almost feel bad for the Android fanboys and Apple haters.
— Adrian Vermeule (@Vermeullarmine) September 17, 2019
Apple iPhone 11 Pro and Pro Max review: great battery life, screen and camera - The Verge
the iPhone 11 Pro reviews are out today... and the cameras are goood ???
— Paul Stamatiou ? (@Stammy) September 17, 2019
iPhone 11 Pro review. Looks like the iPhone just beat the Pixel camera
— Tom Warren (@tomwarren) September 17, 2019
Apple iPhone 11 Pro and Pro Max review: the battery life is real
— AR7 (@AR72014) September 17, 2019
Apple iPhone 11 Pro and Pro Max review: the battery life is real via @Verge
— John Koetsier (@johnkoetsier) September 17, 2019
Other small notes from our iPhone 11 Pro review:
— nilay patel (@reckless) September 17, 2019
- Smart HDR camera pipeline is now 10bit, up from 8bit
- True Tone light sensor now 5 wider color channels instead of 6 w/ white channel
- Spatial audio is virtual Dolby surround, supports Netflix 5.1
While everyone is busily sharing dog photos they took with the iPhone 11, I present this portrait of a fire hydrant, notable because the iPhone XR (the predecessor to the 11) could only shoot portrait mode photos of human subjects. Read my review.
— Lance Ulanoff (@LanceUlanoff) September 17, 2019
But wait, there's more! Here's my Apple iPhone 11 review, the affordable alternative to the 11 Pro
— Lance Ulanoff (@LanceUlanoff) September 17, 2019
Here's our detailed look into the new camera hardware on the iPhone 11 Pro:
— Halide (@halidecamera) September 17, 2019
An interesting write up on the iPhone 11 Pro cameras from the tan at @halidecamera.
— Mike Caputo • Tech 24/7 TV (@Tech247tv) September 17, 2019
Yes, the OS will still do this if the image is 'deemed worse'. Since the sensor in the telephoto is still inferior to the wide angle, this will still happen. Hardware details:
— Sebastiaan de With (@sdw) September 17, 2019
I cannot tell you how many people wrote to us about upgrading from the iPhone 6 or 7. I wrote an iPhone 11 and 11 Pro review for them:
— Joanna Stern (@JoannaStern) September 17, 2019
Is your old iPhone on its last legs? Are you confused by all of the upgrade options? @JoannaStern wrote a guide to help you
— The Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) September 17, 2019
I love fancy videos and lengthy written reviews as much as anyone else, but this @WSJ article by @JoannaStern is what you should be sending to friends and family when they ask if they should upgrade to the iPhone 11.
— Robert Rosenfeld (@robertrosenfeld) September 17, 2019
THIS from @JoannaStern > "It’s easy to lose track of the reality that most people are holding on to their phones for longer. And some of the better options for those people aren’t the brand new $1k-and-up Pro phones, but cut-rate models from prior years."
— nic nguyen (@itsnicolenguyen) September 17, 2019
it me
— Ben Dreyfuss (@bendreyfuss) September 17, 2019
Good morning. iPhone 11 reviews are out. And @techradar's @superbeav loves the word 'Slofies.' Just kidding! He really likes the iPhone 11, though.
— Matt Swider (@mattswider) September 17, 2019
iPhone 11: Great camera, long battery, but not a must-buy
— Detroit Free Press (@freep) September 17, 2019
Our iPhone 11 and 11 Pro reviews are in! "Best mid-tier iPhone Apple has ever made" and "The best iPhone this year", respectively. and By @jetscott @CNET
— Jessica Dolcourt (@jdolcourt) September 17, 2019
Also, the iPhone 11 Pro: thoughts on whether you need it. My favorite phone of the group is probably the 5.8 11 Pro, but I think you’d be fine with the 11 in most cases. #iphone11Pro
— Scott Stein (@jetscott) September 17, 2019
노화한 iPhone 소유자를 위한 iPhone 11 리뷰
— editoy (@editoy) September 18, 2019
• 듀얼 카메라 설정 및 기타 개선 사항 덕분에 iPhone XR보다 오래된 iPhone을 사용하는 경우 업그레이드 가치가 있습니다.
Apple iPhone 11 Pro and Pro Max review: the battery life is real
— The Verge (@verge) September 17, 2019
The Verge iPhone 11 프로/11 프로 맥스 리뷰: "대단한 배터리수명." 평점 9점
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) September 18, 2019
- 탁월한 카메라
- 굉장한 배터리수명
- 미려한 디스플레이
- 버그 투성이인 iOS 13
- 비쌈
- 박스에 헤즈폰 잭 혹은 동글 미포함
- 정원은 아름답지만 담은 항상 그랬듯 더 높아져
good review – but i can't stop wondering why this was the go-to test photo
— Naaman Zhou (@naamanzhou) September 18, 2019