This is a massive story. If this is how American allies make decisions when economic self-interest is pitted against serious national security concerns, then there is a deep rot setting in.
— Ankit Panda (@nktpnd) September 16, 2019
Big news:
— ?Fergus Ryan (@fryan) September 15, 2019
ASD concluded in March that China’s Ministry of State Security was responsible for a cyber-attack on parliament & the Liberal, Labor & National parties but decided not to go public in order to avoid disrupting trade relations with Beijing.
Intelligence agencies pinned parliament hack on Beijing: report | @rharris334
— The Sydney Morning Herald (@smh) September 16, 2019
Dear @GladysLiuMP
— ?Emilio, Baròn Death (@krONik) September 16, 2019
Can you please ask your bosses in Beijing to stop hacking into our computers?
Thank you,
♥️#AUSpol #GladysMustGo
Australian intelligence agencies found China was responsible for a cyber attack on federal parliament earlier this year, Reuters has reported #auspol
— Federal Politics (@Politics_SMHAGE) September 16, 2019
Incredibly detailed exclusive from Reuters here on the APH hack: Australia concluded China was behind hack on parliament,...
— Sarah Martin (@msmarto) September 15, 2019
This is ridiculous. Our refusal to call out Beijing is sheer gutlessness on the part of our political leaders and bureaucrats.
— Clive Hamilton (@CliveCHamilton) September 16, 2019
Exclusive: Australia concluded China was behind hack on parliament,...
Australia concluded China was behind hack on parliament,political parties - Pompeo said countries could not separate trade & economic issues from national security. “You can sell your soul 4 a pile of soybeans,or you can protect your people,”.....
— Dan DiMicco (@DanRDimicco) September 16, 2019
— deepthroat (@gloomynews) September 16, 2019
Reuters Exclusive: #Australia's cyber intelligence agency has concluded #China's Ministry of State Security was responsible for a cyberattack against Australian parliament and three top political parties before the May general election@Colpackham
— Vincent Lee (@Rover829) September 16, 2019
Given what we did to East Timor, our ability to take the moral high ground against China over internet hacking is made more difficult:
— Stephen Mayne (@MayneReport) September 15, 2019
AIC has reportedly concluded that China was behind the May 2019 hack on the Australian parliament and political parties:
— AIPIO (@AIPIO) September 16, 2019
Whoa ....
— Bob_Ewashington (@BobEwashington) September 15, 2019
The attack on the political parties gave the perpetrators access to policy papers on topics such as tax and foreign policy, and private email correspondence between lawmakers, their staff and other citizens, two sources said.
Australian intelligence determined China was responsible for a cyber-attack on its national parliament and three largest political parties before the general election in May:
— Adam Levin (@Adam_K_Levin) September 16, 2019
Australian intelligence agency identified China's Ministry of State Security as behind major breach of networks of Australian parliament & three main parties but "recommended keeping findings secret in order to avoid disrupting trade relations".
— Thorsten Benner (@thorstenbenner) September 16, 2019
.@Reuters: “Australian intelligence determined #China was responsible for a #cyber-attack on its national parliament and three largest political parties before the general election in May.” #Australia
— NATOSource (@NATOSource) September 16, 2019
"Australia’s cyber intelligence agency - the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) - concluded in March that China’s Ministry of State Security was responsible for the attack"
— Scott Stedman (@ScottMStedman) September 16, 2019
Nothing to see here, but Australian gov decided China was behind hack on parliament and all three political parties, but felt they'd "damage the economy” to publicly accuse China over the attack... OK!
— Mike Butcher #RegisterToVote (@mikebutcher) September 16, 2019
중국 해커가 호주 의회에 대한 공격 책임
— editoy (@editoy) September 17, 2019
• 호주 당국은 공격에 대해 중국을 공개적으로 비난하는 경우 "경제에 해를 끼칠 매우 현실적인 전망 '이 있다고 생각했다고 보고했습니다.
Los Chinos le hackearon el parlamento a Australia:
— Alejandro Alvarez(h) (@AleCiroAlvarez) September 17, 2019
Exclusive: Australia concluded China was behind hack on parliament,...
Mr Speaker
— ?Bee? (@BelindaJones68) September 17, 2019
I wanna ask the PM a question
PM @ScottMorrisonMP why did you fail to tell the Australian people about a hack on the Australian parliament by China in March?
China is active everywhere except Washington.
— wretchardthecat (@wretchardthecat) September 17, 2019
Thread: #Australia concluded #China was behind hack on parliament, political parties – sources
— IndoPacific_SCS_Info (@IndoPac_Info) September 16, 2019
Australian intelligence determined China was responsible for a cyber-attack on its national parliament and three largest political parties before the general election in May, five people with direct knowledge of the matter told Reuters
— Giulia Pompili (@giuliapompili) September 16, 2019
Australian intelligence determined China’s Ministry of State Security was responsible for a cyber-attack on Parliament and 3 largest political parties before the general election in May — The government decided to keep it secret, out of fear to upset China
— Alfons López Tena #FBPE (@alfonslopeztena) September 16, 2019