Today, @lyft sent this to drivers.
— Cyrus Farivar (@cfarivar) September 11, 2019
It states that drivers “may soon be required to drive specific shifts, stick to specific areas, and drive for only a single platform (such as Lyft, Uber, Doordash, or others).”
FYI: #AB5 does not have any such language. (h/t @ChristianJPerea)
Watch them ramp up the push for driverless cars
— wikipedia brown ||| abolish ICE. (@eveewing) September 11, 2019
I’d say the days of Uber profiting off of cheap labor are numbered, but Uber doesn’t strictly “profit” does it
— Ernie Tedeschi (@ernietedeschi) September 11, 2019
California to give minimum wage, sick pay, holidays & other rights to 'gig economy' workers. For far too long companies like Uber & others have exploited workers. UK Labour Party has also promised the give gig workers the same rights as full-time workers.
— Prem Sikka (@premnsikka) September 12, 2019
Their have their own issues but come IPO time, @airbnb, @turo and others will look a lot more certain with respect to unit economics.
— Sameer Patel (@SameerPatel) September 11, 2019
It's (basically) done--California has transformed the gig economy in a historic vote late Tuesday. Our story:
— Noam Scheiber (@noamscheiber) September 11, 2019
If the drivers aren’t a core part of Uber’s business, then I guess the company wouldn’t mind if they went on strike
— Jordan Weissmann (@JHWeissmann) September 11, 2019
Eek... not a “new law” just yet (but getting pretty close)
— Lily Jamali (@lilyjamali) September 11, 2019
Denying employees health care, a livable wage & retirement benefits shouldn’t be a legal corporate strategy baked into profit margins. It can’t solely be corporations determining the future of work. Good for California to show us the way, time for federal government to step up.
— Rep. Joe Kennedy III (@RepJoeKennedy) September 11, 2019
Bug bounties also violate labor laws, as I have warned for years.
— Katie Moussouris (@k8em0) September 11, 2019
"Gig-type work has been under the spotlight for years as companies like Uber... have grown into behemoths even as the contractors they relied on did not receive the benefits or minimum pay guaranteed to employees"
State Senator Maria Elena Durazo: “Let’s be clear: there is nothing innovative about underpaying someone for their labor.”
— Yonah Freemark (@yfreemark) September 11, 2019
Oh, and consumer welfare. California has several counties with more than 10% unemployment and *this* is what the legislature is spending its time doing: taking away part time employment, and driving up consumer prices.
— ?????? ?. ???????? (@StevenJDuffield) September 11, 2019
Congratulations to @GigWorkersRise @_drivers_united and all California Uber and Lyft drivers for organizing this huge historic #AB5 win! The foundation for union rights, living wages, benefits, and transparency, and a victory against exploitation!
— Kshama Sawant (@cmkshama) September 11, 2019
This is a big deal. It's going to be hated and fought by many companies, especially as it sets a precedent for more states and other governments worldwide to follow suit, but it's a step in the right direction for adequate human worker protections.
— Kate O'Neill (@kateo) September 11, 2019
“Uber & Lyft have repeatedly warned that they will have to start scheduling drivers in advance if they are employees, reducing drivers’ ability to work when and where they want. Experts said that there is nothing in the bill that requires employees to work set shifts…”
— Vail Kohnert-Yount (@vailkoyo) September 11, 2019
"In California, the legislation will affect at least 1 million workers who have been on the receiving end of a decade long trend of outsourcing & franchising work, making employer-worker relationships more arm’s-length" This is going to be big$UBER $LYFT #startups #gigeconomy
— Nakul Shetty (@nakulshetty88) September 11, 2019
Thank you for supporting AB5, @ewarren. Your support was a great help.
— Gig Workers Rising (@GigWorkersRise) September 11, 2019
Please keep helping us to make sure it is enforced and we get a strong independent union.
Very big news for ?? as far as the #gigeconomy - will we see more pro-employee laws in ?? as a response to the same concerns?
— Joe Gill (@joegill1987) September 11, 2019
Let’s clarify a few things:
— Lorena (@LorenaSGonzalez) September 8, 2019
First #AB5 does not require any company to make an employee a full time worker. They are simply are required to abide by wage & hour laws, workers comp, etc. This can be done with a worker who works 4 hours a week or 40 hours a week. 1/
“Today the so-called gig companies present themselves as the innovative future of tomorrow, a future where companies don’t pay Social Security or Medicare—Let’s be clear: there is nothing innovative about underpaying someone for their labor.” | #gigeconomy
— George Dearing ♻️?⚡️ (@GeorgeDearing) September 11, 2019
Classifying someone as a permanent contractor is no longer acceptable. Give your employees benefits and pay them a living wage or go out of business.
— Rob (@robdaemon) September 11, 2019
The gig economy has been nothing but a way to extort labor.
Um let’s think about this. If everyone who drives for Uber stopped tomorrow, Uber wouldn’t notice!
— Jane Kim 金貞妍 (@JaneKim) September 12, 2019
The rides are core to Uber’s business. Yes it’s not just the ride but the data collected from rides. None of this happens without the drivers#workersbuildwealth so share it #AB5
I don’t see how this doesn’t push the value of Uber or Lyft to zero. Calif. employment law impossible to comply with under current driver contracts, and the wealth transfer to lawyers will be huge. // California Passes Landmark Bill to Remake Gig Economy
— (((tedfrank))) (@tedfrank) September 11, 2019
AB5, which turns California gig workers into employees, has passed the Senate, making it very close to becoming law, @CSaid and @dustingardiner report. Gig workers at Uber, Lyft, Postmates, DoorDash and others are affected.
— Owen Thomas (@owenthomas) September 11, 2019
tip @Techmeme
“These remain ongoing negotiations,” @GavinNewsom said, “and regardless of what happens with AB5, I am committed, at least, to continuing those negotiations.”
— Lenny Mendonca (@Lenny_Mendonca) September 12, 2019
I wondered why Uber’s share price hadn’t fallen. And here’s why . ?California Governor Still in Talks With Uber, Lyft Over Gig Workers Law - WSJ
— kim barrett (@kimbarrett) September 11, 2019
California Passes Landmark Bill Requiring Contract Workers to Be Labeled as Employees
— @HerbertReed on Parler (@Herbert_L_Reed) September 11, 2019
California passes landmark labor bill requiring contract workers to be labeled as employees
— Karol Cummins (@karolcummins) September 11, 2019
Despite objections from Uber and Lyft, Gov. Gavin Newsom has said he would sign labor bill that could reshape the gig economy
Uber, Lyft, and Other Gig Economy Companies Push Back on New California Employment Law #Venture #BusinessGrowth #Marketing #VentureCapital #Startup #VC #GrowthHacking #Fortune
— Web Business Success (@Web_Biz_Success) September 11, 2019
This is a big deal, and may force companies like Lyft and Uber to rethink how they do business. Great reporting by @AarianMarshall
— Lauren Goode (@LaurenGoode) September 11, 2019
California is on the cusp on enacting a law that would classify many gig workers--including drivers for Uber and Lyft--as employees via @aarianmarshall
— Scott Thurm (@ScottThurm) September 11, 2019
캘리포니아에서 긱 근로자가 직원이 되려고 합니다
— editoy (@editoy) September 13, 2019
• 지지자들은 기업들이 최저 임금, 초과 근무 수당, 근로자 보상, 실업 보험 및 인건비에 30 %를 추가할 수있는 다양한 혜택을 지불하지 않기 위해 노동자를 독립적인 계약자로 부른다고 말합니다.
Uber vows to fight California landmark labor bill requiring contract workers to be labeled as employees
— Bojan Tunguz (@tunguz) September 12, 2019
In California, #Gig workers are about to become employees. #GigEconomy via @wired
— CROIXSTONE (@CroixstoneCLT) September 11, 2019