"you drive up to the menu board, speak to a voice-powered machine (just like ordering stuff from Amazon’s Alexa) to place an order, and drive up to the window to pick up the order." https://t.co/FC25IO693n
— Remy Buxaplenty ? (@BitcoinJay) September 10, 2019
Now @McDonalds going to speed up Slowly killing people faster, Why would anybody feed their children this unhealthy crap I don’t really understand....
— TheTruth (@inetsoho) September 10, 2019
McDonald's acquires Apprente, plans to speed up drive-thru lineshttps://t.co/TzJnl7554b
McDonald’s is acquiring Apprente, a Silicon Valley-based start-up specializing in conversational voice-based ordering technology. https://t.co/C9IJcvceJ9
— USA TODAY Money (@USATODAYmoney) September 10, 2019
McDonald's to automate more jobs. https://t.co/LjAtADPT7U
— The People for Andrew Yang (@people_yang) September 10, 2019
McDonald's acquires AI company Apprente.https://t.co/PhksZayjBb
— FurorRises (@FurorRises) September 10, 2019
Forget $15 minimum wage. If there are no human employees, there is no minimum wage! #TheRobotsAreHere #YangGang #ImWithAndrew #BringTheWave #UBI https://t.co/jm71oTiXAW
— Humanity Forward Fund (@Humanity_FWD) September 10, 2019
Interesting acquisition https://t.co/1T6GOBvXXK
— Stacy Minero (@sminero) September 10, 2019
McDonald's acquires AI company trying to automate the drive-thru https://t.co/fYEAKVnUgh
— Robert Barnes (@Barnes_Law) September 10, 2019
McDonald's to fully automate your drive-thru experience. #FreedomDividend#Yang2020https://t.co/SAp8ptjPHI
— Chris Chromo ? (@ChrisBeFresh2) September 10, 2019
— Brian Roemmele (@BrianRoemmele) September 10, 2019
“Hey MickieD, Two Big Macs pay on my #McDonaldsPay card"
Congratulations to my good friends at Apprente McDonalds acquired an amazing #VoiceFirst company .
In 2008 is said to VCs #VoiceFirst is the future of food ordering—missed this boat.https://t.co/y0LJ15sJu3
$15 minimum wage huh.. https://t.co/MJUrdHHqWa
— Money Savin’ Mitch (@BKFUniversity) September 10, 2019
맥도날드 드라이브 스루를 자동화하려는 AI 회사를 인수 https://t.co/nCqwwF0Oat
— editoy (@editoy) September 10, 2019
• 이 회사들은 이미 맥도날드의 테스트 레스토랑에서 데모를 진행했으며, 맥도날드의 기술은 “복잡한, 다국어, 여러 가지 악센트 및 여러 항목의 대화 순서를 다루는 것을 목표로합니다.
It’s already happening Ben. Join the #YangGang and save the planet.
— James (@James65453154) September 11, 2019
UPS Has Been Self-Driving For Months!? https://t.co/LAy2ceGbjh via @YouTubehttps://t.co/Gk2ynSNvk8
“to be integrated into all U.S. and Australia drive-thrus by the end of 2019.” #automation #UBI https://t.co/3BwXheko9c
— The Basic Income (@TheBasicIncome) September 10, 2019
So, you want $15 minimum wage? A-U-T-O-M-A-T-I-O-N! https://t.co/bJMNsfdIj9
— Scott Gulbransen (@LVGully) September 10, 2019
McDonald’s acquires A.I. company to help automate the drive-thru, its third tech deal this year https://t.co/NPbTVW5kvB
— Aki Anastasiou (@AkiAnastasiou) September 11, 2019
Math quiz: How much is $15 an hour times zero hours?https://t.co/T3MMHbRMe7
— Susan Shelley (@Susan_Shelley) September 11, 2019
맥도날드 드라이브 스루도 인공지능으로 자동화 하는건가! https://t.co/jwT5uh9T1v
— Victor (@kkendd) September 10, 2019
I’ve noticed a lot of the candidates beginning to steal the talking points of @AndrewYang but remember he was the first to call out the problem of automation, not after it became trendy and could warrant “more votes” #YangGang #joebiden #BernieSanders https://t.co/LwroKoKqBj
— Joe Orth (@slickswiftum) September 11, 2019
McDonald’s plans to bring AI voice technology to its drive-thrus https://t.co/4O0V4uBDkH pic.twitter.com/6L9GK0ZwSW
— thewilliampage (@thewilliampage) September 10, 2019