I asked Siri about feminism and she said "I'm a humanist. Also, I love men. Stop making me feel bad for wearing high heels! Women can be really mean to each other too, you know. Why can't we all just get along? Why are you being so divisive?"https://t.co/BkieY1sAZh
— andi zeisler (@andizeisler) September 6, 2019
— Mr. Gray (@GaryLGray) September 6, 2019
From Discover on Google https://t.co/o5nCDPuiki
What the? https://t.co/YLx9gQ970g
— Jack Appleby (@jackappleby) September 6, 2019
good to know that apple perceives the idea that women are people as “potentially controversial” (ht @andizeisler)https://t.co/CQ0l5l1xoe pic.twitter.com/0OCiGdcICx
— Lindsey Barrett (@LAM_Barrett) September 6, 2019
Apple made Siri deflect questions on feminism, leaked papers reveal https://t.co/MrJQF0Twaq
— Tactical Tech (@Info_Activism) September 6, 2019
"In nearly all cases, Siri doesn’t have a point of view"
— jessamyn west (@jessamyn) September 6, 2019
Of course, neutral supports the status quo. Call Siri a slut & it used to say it would "blush if it could", now it says it won't respond. And it's been reprogrammed to not use the word 'feminism' https://t.co/miK2kNKMiE
'The problem with Siri, Alexa and all of these AI tools is that they have been designed by men with a male default in mind.'https://t.co/anFL8IkK0L
— Women in the World (@WomenintheWorld) September 6, 2019
Via @guardian #siri
so tired of cowards in tech. cowards above, cowards below, cowards to your left and your right as you sit in your office. as the overton window rolls right, they will race to keep up.https://t.co/93CPOumpkR
— 〽️ax krieger's big mood (@MaxKriegerVG) September 6, 2019
Apple rewrote Siri to 'deflect' questions about feminism | Technology | The Guardian https://t.co/krVDEiBBJ8
— Dark2lightAnon ? (@Dark2light9) September 6, 2019
By @alexhern - “When [controversial] questions are directed at Siri, “they can be deflected… however, care must be taken here to be neutral”. “
— Rumman Chowdhury (@ruchowdh) September 6, 2019
Neutrality is a fallacy. Either you support status quo or you do not. Deflection is implicit agreement https://t.co/UxjRKr6p5E
Siri, how does capital facilitate misogyny? https://t.co/xJZKm2ZknQ
— Jonathan Weisberg (@jweisber) September 6, 2019
When @AOC talks about technology and programming reflecting the biases of its creators, this is exactly what she's talking about.
— Max Burns (@themaxburns) September 6, 2019
You aren't talking to Siri. You're talking to the values and political calculations of Apple executives. https://t.co/R9zimfCR7i
This is why we need more girls and women to devise the technology of the future: https://t.co/V1JofOl6bH
— Cathy Newman (@cathynewman) September 6, 2019
“The problem with Siri, Alexa and all of these AI tools is that they have been designed by men with a male default in mind.”https://t.co/8ybRdfjgxM
— Richard Garside (@RichardJGarside) September 6, 2019
Leaked internal Siri guidelines show the rules behind Apple’s digital assistant https://t.co/cbsYpy4C7u pic.twitter.com/xSPzpktCqj
— The Verge (@verge) September 6, 2019
#1 : An artificial being should not represent itself as human, nor through omission allow the user to believe that it is one
— Matthew Lamons (@mlamons1) September 6, 2019
Really important! #NLP does not mean Nearly Live Person https://t.co/3JqQUk9EAC
The leaked documents also reveal the company's roadmap for the next two years of Siri development. Targeted for release next week: Shazam on the Apple Watch, Play This On That support, and Messages on AirPods. https://t.co/1ezpEPNeee
— alex hern (@alexhern) September 6, 2019
The leaked documents show how Apple has struggled with rewriting the service to deal with "sensitive issues" such as Feminism. It adopted a mantra: "don't engage; deflect; inform" https://t.co/1ezpEPNeee
— alex hern (@alexhern) September 6, 2019
so tired of cowards in tech. cowards above, cowards below, cowards to your left and your right as you sit in your office. as the overton window rolls right, they will race to keep up.https://t.co/93CPOumpkR
— 〽️ax krieger's big mood (@MaxKriegerVG) September 6, 2019
1. Always interpret “15” as “50” and vice versa
— Casey Newton (@CaseyNewton) September 6, 2019
2. Deliberately misunderstand every third query
3. In cases of actual misunderstandings, offer to set a timer https://t.co/bjp8YUyjHw
Really interesting insight into how male dominated culture at tech companies results in female perspective being designed out. And a reminder that a lot of human choices pave the way to the types of robots we end up with https://t.co/CQe5ea1jmW
— Hannah Devlin (@hannahdev) September 6, 2019
Guidelines for how the employees should think about Siri: The service is “non-human”, “incorporeal”, “placeless”, “genderless”, “playful”, and “humble”. But, oddly: “Siri’s true origin is unknown, even to Siri; but it definitely wasn’t a human invention.” https://t.co/1ezpEPNeee
— alex hern (@alexhern) September 6, 2019
Welcome to the future where our AI is stuck in the 50s.https://t.co/VGBq25E8LI
— Brook Hines (@nashville_brook) September 6, 2019
The roadmap also contains more evidence that Apple is working on, well, something: “new hardware support” for a “new device” is targeted for 2021. https://t.co/1ezpEPNeee
— alex hern (@alexhern) September 6, 2019
— Colombe Cahen-Salvador (@ColombeCS) September 6, 2019
Outraging but not surprising: voice recognition software are mainly designed by men with the male default in mind (for eg they recognize much better male voices), but seriously the word #feminism is too sensitive to be voiced?! https://t.co/lNXAImt06n
Fascinating what this reveals- a case study for @wordspinster https://t.co/sZfdEXQFp9
— Liz Kelly (@ProfLizKelly) September 6, 2019
Apple’s leadership is over 80% male and it shows! https://t.co/oqGU7FEkfx
— Clare O'Connor (@Clare_OC) September 6, 2019