‘The new feature — codenamed “Burrito” internally and called “Time in Bed tracking” — will allow users to choose to wear Apple Watch to bed. If the user has more than one Apple Watch, they can pick one to be their designated bedtime Watch.’ //?⌚️❗️ https://t.co/zH6heJl9ON
— m_pszStevenSinofsky (@stevesi) September 2, 2019
Covering all the bases, but which watch will support this? https://t.co/5AIe1UWEgu
— Zac Hall (@apollozac) September 2, 2019
iOS 13 itself on the iPhone also had a full Sleep Mode system that was pulled from the OS right before WWDC in June. Possible that it comes back for the final version next week, or that it’s tied to the Watch or just fully scrapped.
— Mark Gurman (@markgurman) September 2, 2019
Apple Watch sleep tracking revealed: sleep quality, battery management, more #DigitalHealth https://t.co/1F6k1AoaKc
— Brian Kalis (@bkalis) September 2, 2019
Shout out to the PM who took into consideration the folks out there w/ a day Watch and a night Watch https://t.co/Uuw5PbKfb4 pic.twitter.com/wBsUCcxiBR
— Michael S Galpert (@msg) September 2, 2019
Sleep tracking for the Apple Watch (finally): https://t.co/ChvxnEwqfW
— Christopher Michel (@chrismichel) September 2, 2019
"If the user has more than one Apple Watch, they can pick one to be their designated bedtime Watch."
— Mishaal Rahman (@MishaalRahman) September 2, 2019
Designated bedtime Watch LMAO.https://t.co/vtbHb3KC5U
— こしあん?@TOEFL iBT 100 目標 (@koshian16989517) September 2, 2019
Apple Watch sleep tracking revealed: sleep quality, battery, more - 9to5Mac https://t.co/JfvABGbB4R
“the company is working on sleep tracking for the Apple Watch, which won’t require any special hardware to work.”#watchOS6 is starting to look like the star of the September event.https://t.co/4APgsD6fus
— Nati Shochat ??♂️ (@natisho) September 2, 2019
Just in time: https://t.co/KSOTvsE4zs https://t.co/IPQNDft5ub
— Filipe Espósito (@filipeesposito) September 2, 2019
Apple Watch sleep tracking feature coming according to report https://t.co/2V7YIQHF1P
— Todd Haselton (@robotodd) September 2, 2019
Apple could add sleep tracking to the next Apple Watch https://t.co/gTuxx4Fksg pic.twitter.com/K90qWCSCl0
— The Verge (@verge) September 2, 2019
Apple could add sleep tracking to the next Apple Watch https://t.co/eHmIW8sJ7n >>> https://t.co/2FO2ai4x9M #digitalhealth #industry40 #healthcare #AI #IoT #wearables #mhealth #healthtech pic.twitter.com/YPLv3UZqoy
— Dr Timos Papagatsias (@_timos_) September 2, 2019
RT alarno "Apple Watch may get sleep tracking as soon as next week https://t.co/RkLXUu0fv3"
— onmedic (@onmedic) September 3, 2019
Apple Watch may get sleep tracking as soon as next week https://t.co/4nUCGrxuEC
— Albert Arnó (@alarno) September 3, 2019
애플워치는 곧 수면추적을 지원할 것https://t.co/xmfDXFZOuM pic.twitter.com/NGivUpLnHd
— 데드캣 (@deadcatssociety) September 3, 2019
And overnight the sleep habits of techie nerds worsen....https://t.co/4Y9t9VEND3
— Venk Murthy (@venkmurthy) September 3, 2019
Apple Watch may get sleep tracking as soon as next week https://t.co/mJ6oD8C4k6
— Nelson Bermejo (@NelsonBermejo) September 3, 2019
"Sleep tracking" is sex tracking by another name. https://t.co/Ukzc5DElHr
— Paolo Attivissimo (@disinformatico) September 2, 2019
Apple Watch Reportedly Getting Built-In Sleep Tracking - by @mehedih_ - https://t.co/IsoTp9lF1p pic.twitter.com/kPZ9wof6El
— Paul Thurrott (@thurrott) September 2, 2019
Welp, there goes Oura's business: https://t.co/lcrmDYRejd
— Andrew Wilkinson (@awilkinson) September 3, 2019
애플 내부 소스: 애플워치 수면 추적 기능 준비하고 있어.
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) September 2, 2019
- Beddit 슬립 모니터 앱 인수
- 코드명이 "버리토"인 “Time in Bed tracking” 기능, 침대에 누어있는 시간 추적
- 애플워치, 또한 사용자 수면질 추적
- 그러나 배터리 수명 때문에 사용자 추가 워치 필요할 수 있어https://t.co/xGykMte8u8
Who are these people? https://t.co/ytBi4SPNti pic.twitter.com/4rV1jFknj1
— Shawn Roos (@shawnroos) September 3, 2019
Apple Watch sleep tracking had better come with 5x battery life on the next model...https://t.co/heqncQTQ28
— Chris Maddern (@chrismaddern) September 3, 2019
FINALLY: Sleep tracking coming to Apple Watch #applewatch https://t.co/HMOhnqInHE
— Scott Davis (@code_for_days) September 2, 2019
So... sleep tracking on a device with like 36-hour total battery life? Um...
— Myke (@MikeWehner) September 3, 2019
I wear my Apple Watch every day but how exactly is this going to work? Track sleep every-other day? https://t.co/pgc2HtC9MZ