.@instagram is getting even MORE ads??? I can barely keep the app open 30 seconds as it is now before having to close it because of the ads. So glad I can pay a subscription fee for an ad-free @flickr https://t.co/om9JjIUsx4
— Thomas Hawk (@thomashawk) August 23, 2019
an @theinformation reader, in the comments section of this piece, asks:
— Amir Efrati (@amir) August 22, 2019
“Am I missing something or is this a product with no real value except supporting ego gratification and self-promotion? Or is there more to Instagram?”
https://t.co/XsfFSPFyPr via @alexeheath
I talked to a bunch of former and current employees about the last year inside Instagram, a time summed up by what some called "giving back to the family." Includes recent buisness directives Facebook has given the org to increase number of ads, etc.. https://t.co/95uwopfoVy
— Alex Heath (@alexeheath) August 22, 2019
"Behemoth firm smothers fast growing in-house innovation in bid to keep dying legacy business alive then gets out-competed by a nimble startup" is the oldest Silicon Valley story in the world.
— Michael T Sweeney (@mtsw) August 22, 2019
Does Facebook realize that it's IBM in 1982 right now? https://t.co/6gYsWexVIU
.@alexeheath goes behind the scenes on FB-IG dynamics.
— Cory Weinberg (@coryweinberg) August 22, 2019
Facebook executives have "begun to openly discuss how Instagram could 'give back to the family.'"
How does IG get to its next $10Bn in revenue? Getting you to buy more stuff through the app. https://t.co/ZhSLqKReap
Super impressive piece from @alexeheath here, who reports on how Instagram has been dependent on FB, then surpassed FB in cultural cache, lost some of its internal culture due to FB encroaching and lots of other details in between: https://t.co/NYA0TOtFYj
— Ashley Gold (@ashleyrgold) August 22, 2019
Instagram was expected to do $10B i revenue last year after $1 billion a few years earlier. Let that sink in. A nice tidbit from @alexeheath's piece.https://t.co/nNuMrNJVI8
— Jessica Lessin (@Jessicalessin) August 22, 2019
Facebook told Instagram to double the amount of ads on the app, Mosseri is hyper focused on shopping. Great details from @alexeheath about what's been going on at Instagram since the beginning of last year. https://t.co/OtBG2cpGof
— Nick Wingfield (@nickwingfield) August 22, 2019
Facebook’s only real competitor is Instagram, which it owns, so it is slowly crushing Instagram. https://t.co/HWNS5SGTHv
— nilay patel (@reckless) August 22, 2019
Instagram was expected to do $10B i revenue last year after $1 billion a few years earlier. Let that sink in. A nice tidbit from @alexeheath's piece.https://t.co/nNuMrNJVI8
— Jessica Lessin (@Jessicalessin) August 22, 2019
Growing Pains: Facebook Pushes Instagram to Earn Its Keep - The Information https://t.co/W6bxdXCXzh
— Evan Kirstel (@evankirstel) August 23, 2019
the technical integration of the blue app + instagram + whatsapp is a clever way to pre-empt regulatory calls to break up facebook https://t.co/cAzCsHAgbL
— Tracy Chou ??? (@triketora) August 23, 2019
"...In the roughly 11 months since @Mosseri took over [Instagram], Facebook has ordered Instagram to roughly double the number of advertisements in the app..." https://t.co/QWIXqpqes3
— Matt Navarra (@MattNavarra) August 22, 2019
【全文閲読には要購読】:2018年、Facebook最高経営メンバーの会合で、それまで自律性を認められていたInstagramの運命が変わった。2年前に売上10億ドルの事業が、その2年後には10倍に。Facebookの中心事業へと変化したタイミングだった| https://t.co/1ciV2MpIcw
— 藤村厚夫 (@afujimura) August 23, 2019
.@alexeheath’s latest look inside @Instagram and the path ahead for @mosseri https://t.co/nNuMrNJVI8
— Jessica Lessin (@Jessicalessin) August 22, 2019
"For 2018, Instagram revenues were expected to surpass $10 billion after hitting $1 billion just two years earlier, said three people familiar with the estimates." ?Go @mosseri!https://t.co/pyQJwYoLTk
— Marcelo P. Lima (@MarceloPLima) August 22, 2019
'Facebook clearly accelerated Instagram’s rise, giving it invaluable promotion for years. But the more I look at the vise grip FB has its most prized acquisition in today, the more I wonder it can be as beneficial to IG in the future.' - @CaseyNewton https://t.co/MnfOg2IBm4
— Mark A. Hodgkin (@Mark_Hodgkin) August 23, 2019
“Instagram, facing pressure from facebook…" does another things to further alienate its faithful users. https://t.co/VTmOQVAJkj
— Bryan Minear (@bryanminear) August 23, 2019