The reason I don't tip on delivery apps is precisely because you're not actually tipping the delivery guy, you're just improving the margins of the delivery platform and preventing them from paying their people a wage that labor supply meets demand
— Leigh Drogen (@LDrogen) August 22, 2019
Just pay your damn people
Amazon was using the same controversial tip-taking practice as DoorDash and Instacart. @JMBooyah, who exposed it in February, now reports Amazon will stop doing it.
— Jeff Bercovici (@jeffbercovici) August 22, 2019
I’ve confirmed this means the company will no longer be using tips to meet minimum guaranteed wages. Our story on the reversal of the tip policy we first revealed in February:
— Johana Bhuiyan (@JMBooyah) August 22, 2019
Amazon will no longer use tips to pay delivery drivers’ base salaries
— The Verge (@verge) August 22, 2019
I had no idea there was tipping for your deliveries @amazon but i’m not shocked you were scr-wing your delivery drivers like @DoorDash you corporate buffoons.. #amazon
— Rob ? (@Unpersuaded112) August 22, 2019
DoorDash still stalling on giving delivery workers their tips $grub $uber #doordash
— CT Capital (@CrowdedTradeCap) August 22, 2019
"I'm surprised DoorDash still hasn't updated their tipping policy," said @TheRideshareGuy, who runs a popular blog for gig workers. "It's one of the top complaints we're hearing from workers right now about the company."
— Dara Kerr (@darakerr) August 21, 2019
DoorDash still stalling on giving delivery workers their tips -CNET @doordash @t_xu
— Resistance Dave™ ✊ (@David4justice48) August 21, 2019
When will you implement a new policy & stop stealing your driver's tips?
Your current model & algorithm amount to corporate theft. Please follow through & stop stealing.
It was @JMBooyah 's reporting in February that lead to this.
— Kelcie Pegher (@klcpegher) August 22, 2019
Amazon now putting tips on top too, reversing their unsavory tip-swiping policy as did Instacart earlier this year. Looks like @doordash is the only big gig company still swiping workers tips — just shy of a month after they said they would stop. #payup
— Working Washington (@workingwa) August 22, 2019
Amazon delivery drivers were surprised to learn earlier this year that the e-commerce giant would at times dip into their tips to cover their promised wages.
— Los Angeles Times (@latimes) August 22, 2019
That’s about to change, according to an email the company sent drivers.
I’ve confirmed this means the company will no longer be using tips to meet minimum guaranteed wages. Our story on the reversal of the tip policy we first revealed in February:
— Johana Bhuiyan (@JMBooyah) August 22, 2019
Some drivers are celebrating this as a big win. Others are confused bc of the previous lack of transparency around pay and didn’t realize some of their guaranteed minimum pay wasn’t coming from Amazon.
— Johana Bhuiyan (@JMBooyah) August 22, 2019
Amazon이 드라이버의 임금 보장을 벌충하기 위한 팁 사용을 종료
— editoy (@editoy) August 23, 2019
• DoorDash의 팁 논쟁은 회사가 집배원에 대한 고객의 팁을 자신의 주머니에 넣는 정책을 가지고 있는 것으로 나타난 뒤 올해 초에 시작되었습니다.
1. This is a great development.
— Derek Thompson (@DKThomp) August 23, 2019
2. But the fact that Amazon, like DoorDash and Instacart, was using customer tips to meet base pay shows how much of the convenience economy's growth was predicated on end-running common labor standards
It’s wild that companies put out announcements to say they are going to stop stealing from workers.
— One Ring (doorbell) to surveil them all... (@hypervisible) August 23, 2019
Amazon will no longer use tips to pay delivery drivers’ base salaries
— The Verge (@verge) August 23, 2019
DoorDash still stalling on giving delivery workers their tips #gigeconomy
— Matt Alley - BlueCollarWriter (@mattalley413) August 23, 2019
Amazon delivery drivers were surprised to learn earlier this year that the e-commerce giant would at times dip into their tips to cover their promised wages. That’s about to change, according to an email the company sent drivers.
— Los Angeles Times (@latimes) August 23, 2019
Amazon ends controversial practice of using tips to meet drivers' wage guarantees
— Rich Tehrani (@rtehrani) August 22, 2019