Apple's EU tax bill appeal starts soon
— Rich Tehrani (@rtehrani) August 16, 2019
EU vs Apple Irish Tax Case Heading to Court via @macobserver
— Bank of island (@Bankofisland) August 16, 2019
Apple set for September showdown with EU over record tax bill via @technology @EUCourtPress
— Stéphanie Bodoni (@StephanieBodoni) August 16, 2019
Apple's appeal against €13B Irish tax ruling finally has a court date The appeal has been scheduled for two days, on September 17-18. via @benlovejoy
— Bank of island (@Bankofisland) August 16, 2019
Apple와 EU가 기록적인 세금 청구서로 9 월에 대결
— editoy (@editoy) August 17, 2019
• Apple은 다음달 유럽 연합에 의해 2016 년에 인도된 130 억 유로 (144 억 달러)의 세금 법안과 싸우기 위해 법정으로 향하고 있습니다.
This is the EU trying to impose tax rates on Ireland. To think there are still some people in the UK that want to be part of this protectionist racket. Ireland should do itself a favour and leave too.
— Peter de Gourlay (@deGourlay) August 16, 2019