1/ In a landmark decision that must be sending shivers down the spine of Silicon Valley, the Ninth Circuit today ruled that Facebook must face a class action suit claiming that its facial recognition practices violated an Illinois biometric privacy lawhttps://t.co/kx6TsSk8zc
— Natasha Singer (@natashanyt) August 8, 2019
2/ This is a huge deal not only because it exposes Facebook to potential damages of several billion dollars.
— Natasha Singer (@natashanyt) August 8, 2019
3/ The Facebook facial recognition decision today is important because the court found that collecting the facial data of Illinois residents in violation of the state's biometric privacy law "injures an individual's concrete right to privacy."
— Natasha Singer (@natashanyt) August 8, 2019
.@Facebook has lost a federal appeal in a lawsuit over facial recognition data, setting the company up to face a massive damages payment over its #privacy practices. https://t.co/MR07m5gdhi via @Verge
— Adam Levin (@Adam_K_Levin) August 8, 2019
Facebook could pay billions after losing facial recognition privacy appeal https://t.co/tS523zihbs pic.twitter.com/eB1dRB8bny
— The Verge (@verge) August 8, 2019
Facebook loses facial recognition appeal, must face privacy class action https://t.co/2EqjeLFuRS
— Jennifer Ablan (@jennablan) August 8, 2019
Today's Ninth Circuit ruling is significant, as the first appellate decision in the nation directly addressing the unique privacy harms of face recognition technology. More information here: https://t.co/lX7hRYI4U5
— Nate Freed Wessler (@NateWessler) August 8, 2019
Facebook은 얼굴 인식의 항소에서 패소, 프라이버시 집단 소송에 직면 https://t.co/oGEquPxCen
— editoy (@editoy) August 9, 2019
• 이전에 업로드한 사진을 기반으로 사진에 태그를 달라는 친구 제안을 사용자에게 제공했습니다.
Facebook could pay billions after losing facial recognition privacy appeal https://t.co/tS523zihbs pic.twitter.com/hrxCSkoYMT
— The Verge (@verge) August 9, 2019
Facebook could pay billions after losing facial recognition privacy appeal ? The Verge #Biometrics https://t.co/rJxK9ZXVmN
— ReconSecureComputing (@SecRecon) August 9, 2019
Facebook could pay billions after losing facial recognition privacy appeal https://t.co/QR1apIm2Ez pic.twitter.com/iWMb5G2lCD
— Alejandro Sewrjugin (@alesew23) August 8, 2019