Apple plans to restrict how messaging apps access background iOS data
— The Verge (@verge) August 6, 2019
애플이 iOS 13부터는 앱 사용 중이 아닌 때 배경에서 VoIP 구동하는 것을 제한할 것이라고... VoIP가 배경에서 구동되고 있으면 그만큼 VoIP 통화는 빨리 연결되지만, 그 와중에 앱에서 사용자가 폰으로 무슨 활동을 하는지 정보 수집이 가능하다는 이유
— H. Kim (@metavital) August 7, 2019
Is this... a former Apple employee giving credence to conspiracy theories that Facebook uses your phone mic to eavesdrop ?
— Karissa Bell (@karissabe) August 6, 2019
Apple changes/restricts background calling apps on iOS.
— Dave Michels (@DaveMichels) August 6, 2019
Messaging app developers, who have long relied on the internet calling feature to keep their apps running in the background on Apple mobile devices, will also have to rebuild their apps. ($)
THANK YOU APPLE. it’s about damn time you put your foot down and condemned this abuse of your userbase’s trust in your platform. you let apps like Messenger and Snapchat do this for YEARS while consistently pretending iOS doesn’t allow this to happen
— Adam Demasi (@hbkirb) August 7, 2019
Apple removes the feature that FB Messenger (& Whatsapp), Snap & WeChat use to make fast internet calls but they can also collect your data at ALL times. Facebook says they don’t (Apple says they dont know what FB do) so the privacy update is minor ?
— Pernille Tranberg (@PernilleT) August 7, 2019
【全文閲読には要購読】:Apple、近く正式リリースが予定されるiOS上で、メッセージングアプリによるVoIP機能利用を厳格化する。Facebook MessengerやWhatsAppを狙い撃ち。アプリが利用されていない時にもユーザー活動のデータを収集し続けるのに待ったをかける|
— 藤村厚夫 (@afujimura) August 6, 2019
Another Apple crackdown hits Facebook. Fascinating @aatilley piece (with some great art.)
— Jessica Lessin (@Jessicalessin) August 6, 2019
The Information: 애플, iOS 13에서 서드파티 VoIP 백그라운드 권한을 더욱 엄격하게 지정할 예정. 기사는 페이스북이 현행 권한으로 다른 일을 하고 있다는 정황을 언급하는데, 물론 사측은 부정.
— 나가토 유키 (@nagato708) August 6, 2019
Report: iOS 13 to limit VoIP API for apps like Facebook and WhatsApp, eliminate background activity
— Matt Navarra (@MattNavarra) August 6, 2019
애플은 메시징 앱이 백그라운드 iOS 데이터에 액세스하는 방법을 제한할 계획
— editoy (@editoy) August 7, 2019
• 현재 이러한 앱의 통화 기능은 사용 중이 아닌 경우에도 백그라운드에서 실행되므로 앱이 통화를 더 빠르게 연결할 수 있지만 데이터 수집과 같은 관련 없는 다른 작업을 수행 할 수 있습니다.
#Apple announces plans to restrict how messaging apps like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger access background iOS data, via @TheVerge #MobileSecurity #cybersecurity #privacy #DataProtection
— Corrata (@Corrata_co) August 7, 2019
Apple plans to restrict how messaging apps access background iOS data#Apple #Applemessagingapps #iOS #iOSdata #iphone #guestpost #guestposting #digitalmarketing #seo #contentmarketing #writeforus
— Attention Trust (@AttentionTrust) August 7, 2019
Apple might force Facebook to change how its apps handle voice calls #voip #apple @engadget @cfisherwrites
— Evan Kirstel (@evankirstel) August 6, 2019
Finally, some good news
— Misty (@mistydemeo) August 7, 2019
Not a massive change, but a positive one:
— F-Secure FREEDOME VPN (@FreedomeVPN) August 7, 2019
"In iOS 13, Apple will not allow apps to run voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) in the background when the programs are not actively in use." #ios13 #privacy #ios13
iOS 13 privacy feature will force total overhaul for Facebook apps | Ars Technica
— Dr. Michael Spehr (@MicSpehr) August 7, 2019
“As Apple has ramped up its privacy push, it has targeted Facebook” we really are heading into new era, where privacy is part of the proposition, not a background hygiene factor
— Dave "Identity is the New Money" Birch (@dgwbirch) August 7, 2019
iOS 13 will stop VoIP app background data collection, impacting Facebook
— Evan Kirstel (@evankirstel) August 7, 2019
Apple to restrict Facebook's messaging apps feature - The Information
— Antonio Costa (@ACInvestorBlog) August 7, 2019