I always wondered who is using all those extension. Now i know, hardly anyone.
— Sandip Narayan Warke (@sandipwarke) August 4, 2019
- only 13 extensions have reached 10m+ installs
- 87% of extensions have fewer than 1,000 installs
Till date i dont have any extension and keep my browser as light as possible.https://t.co/PnOjKjNwC7
These numbers come from a recent scan of the entire Chrome Web Store. More details statistics are below.
— Catalin Cimpanu (@campuscodi) August 3, 2019
Full scan results and some eye candy charts are here: https://t.co/hfu5oAZt31 pic.twitter.com/boxeBmdHnX
Of 188,620 extensions available on the Chrome Web Store:
— Tren Griffin (@trengriffin) August 4, 2019
13 extensions have > 10 million installs
87% < 1,000 installs
50% have fewer than 16 installs
19,379 extensions (~ 10%) have zero installs
25,540 extensions (~ 13%) have just one user.https://t.co/HBwzswz8Qq
Half of all Google Chrome extensions have fewer than 16 installs
— Catalin Cimpanu (@campuscodi) August 3, 2019
—Total number of Chrome extensions: 188,620
—19,379 extensions (10%) have zero installs
—25,540 extensions (13.5%) have one install
—87% of extensions have fewer than 1,000 installshttps://t.co/HgrJeLtHA8 pic.twitter.com/brgkUlPJt9
Report: out of 188,620 extensions available on the Chrome Web Store, ~50% have fewer than 16 installs and 87% have fewer than 1,000; only 13 have 10M+ users https://t.co/z3IwWMSKsO
— Dries Buytaert (@Dries) August 4, 2019
크롬 웹 스토어에는 약 18만 8천 여 개의 확장기능이 있지만, 그 중 무려 절반 가량은 누적 설치 횟수가 16건 미만(!), 전체의 87%는 누적 설치 횟수 1,000건 미만https://t.co/WZxl0BG556
— H. Kim (@metavital) August 4, 2019
Half of all Google Chrome extensions have fewer than 16 installs https://t.co/Ty3TVkeld7 pic.twitter.com/PH0TgjIlq0
— Rich Tehrani (@rtehrani) August 4, 2019
Half of all Google Chrome extensions have fewer than 16 installs. Around 87% have fewer than 1000 installs. https://t.co/ZqBlPt7QGs
— Geeknik (•̪̀●́) Labs (@geeknik) August 4, 2019
Half of all Google Chrome extensions have fewer than 16 installs | ZDNet https://t.co/dIjBlivojj@robmay70 @archonsec @ChuckDBrooks @mclynd @DrJDrooghaag @AlaricAloor @Shirastweet @clarinette02 @MHcommunicate @m49D4ch3lly @mirko_ross @envescent
— Philippe Vynckier (@PVynckier) August 4, 2019
Half of all Google Chrome extensions have fewer than 16 installs #cloudsecurity https://t.co/IsFde1ETOS
— Claudia Martín (@CLAVDIAmartin) August 4, 2019
Half of all Google Chrome extensions have fewer than 16 installs https://t.co/tXQy59vJRF by @campuscodi
— ZDNet (@ZDNet) August 3, 2019
It might be time to break your Google Chrome habit. https://t.co/uWTiLkodoE
— FutureShift (@futureshift) August 4, 2019
크롬 웹스토어의 실태 https://t.co/BQfm8MDAo8
— editoy (@editoy) August 5, 2019
• Extension Monitor에 따르면, 모든 확장 기능의 약 87 %가 1,000 개 미만의 설치를 보유하고 있으며, 이는 Chrome 브라우저에 매월 10 억 명이 넘는 활성 사용자가 있다는 것을 고려하면 확장 프로그램 개발자가 실패로 간주 할 수있는 숫자입니다.
Report: out of 188,620 extensions available on the Chrome Web Store, ~50% have fewer than 16 installs and 87% have fewer than 1,000; only 13 have 10M+ users (Catalin Cimpanu/ZDNet) https://t.co/bjkdZT5OB4
— Chris Heilmann (@codepo8) August 5, 2019
The long tail, long no more!
— Subrahmanyam KVJ (@SuB8u) August 5, 2019
"out of 188,620 extensions available on the Chrome Web Store, ~50% have fewer than 16 installs and 87% have fewer than 1,000; only 13 have 10M+ users"https://t.co/fzpZQAK8PX
Only 13 chrome extensiobs 10M users: Google Translate, Adobe Acrobat, Tampermonkey, Avast Online Security, Adblock Plus, Adblock, uBlock Origin, Pinterest Save Button, Cisco Webex, Grammarly for Chrome, Skype, Avast SafePrice, and Honey.
— Ryan Spoon (@ryanspoon) August 4, 2019
— Dohyung Ahn (@adhrinae) August 4, 2019
흥미롭게도 크롬 확장의 절반이 설치된 횟수가 16회 미만에 지나지 않았다고 하네요.
심지어 한번도 설치되지 않았던 확장이 10%나 된다고 합니다.
How to ditch Google Chrome for Firefox https://t.co/9AOZ8jN6HR
— Joel Reidenberg (@jreidenberg) August 5, 2019
How to ditch Google Chrome for Firefox.https://t.co/JrA72htyIi
— Ben Sullins (@BenSullins) August 4, 2019
How to ditch Google Chrome for Firefox https://t.co/s1UvV7cy0g pic.twitter.com/gGuQUGfKDN
— Rich Tehrani (@rtehrani) August 5, 2019
How to ditch Google Chrome for Firefox
— Scott Davis (@scottdavis99) August 4, 2019
“The Washington Post recently described Chrome as "a lot like surveillance software," citing the browser's habit of automatically signing you in if you use Gmail in order to serve better targeted advertising. ” https://t.co/cZG1W0IQIq