London bar becomes first in the world to use facial recognition to help staff know who to serve first
— The Telegraph (@Telegraph) August 2, 2019
First English use of facial recognition? Why, for queuing obviously.
— Douglas Bulloch (@douglasbulloch) August 2, 2019
No thanks, as an ex bar-wench the order is always:
— farmergeddon???? (@_Farmergeddon) August 2, 2019
1. The landlord and his mates
2. Locals with a nice dog
3. Locals
4. Good tippers or a fanciable chap
Arseholes/hipsters who annoy you get served last
File under "completely unnecessary and definitely going to have disastrous consequences if widely adopted."
— One Ring (doorbell) to surveil them all... (@hypervisible) August 1, 2019
Now envision the opposite. Remember those databases they put your license info into when you get booted out of a bar? That Patron Scanner thing. Patron Scanner doesn't let you delete your data.? You don't make that decision. Patron scanner or the bar owner makes that decision.
— Scott Philotoff (@philotoff) August 2, 2019
The 'FaceTab' feature would recognize patrons and automatically add drinks to their existing tab.
— Motherboard (@motherboard) August 2, 2019
The AI-powered system was apparently used to
— VICE (@VICE) August 2, 2019
• scan drinkers' faces
• determine whether they looked younger than 25
• prompt the bartender to ask for ID
Not like 'Black Mirror' at all, nope!
— VICE (@VICE) August 2, 2019
London bar becomes first in the world to use facial recognition to help staff know who to serve first
— The Telegraph (@Telegraph) August 2, 2019
I love this idea - I was waiting ages to be served in a Wetherspoons last week and my (taller) friend arrived 20 minutes after me and was served straightaway! 'London bar uses facial recognition to help staff know who to serve first' via @telegraphtech
— Sarah Bridge (@SarahBridge100) August 3, 2019
FACE RECOGNITION IN BARS!!!! ‘DataSparQ uses a cameras and AI to determine where you are in a queue’ FFS has the world gone mad?
— Noel Sharkey (@NoelSharkey) August 2, 2019
If they’re that bothered, use numbered tickets.
Boycott Harrild & Sons bar Farringdon
Great quotes @silkiecarlo @bbw1984
London bar uses facial recognition to help staff know who to serve first
— Suzi Woolfson (@SuziLDavis) August 2, 2019
this is absolutely NOT the world i want to live in
— Aisha Satterwhite (@smarttechgirl) August 2, 2019
London bar uses facial recognition to help staff know who to serve first' - this is a truly terrible idea, particularly considering the role the police play in the licensing process - alternatively you could just train your staff properly! ?
— AI Narratives (@AI_Narratives) August 2, 2019
This #facialrecognition use case deserves all the #privacy focused abuse it will inevitably get.
— Zak D (@UKZak) August 2, 2019
First come first serve using facial recognition technology from DataSparQ. Interesting usecase!#facialrecognition #AI #QSR #retail #engineering #EIIRTrends
— Pareekh Jain (@pareekhjain) August 2, 2019
London bar uses facial recognition to help staff know who to serve first #infosec #facialrecognition #privacymatters
— Matthew K E Thomas (@whoseprivacy) August 1, 2019
#AI-powered' bar with facial recognition #artificialintelligence #AI #MachineLearning #ML #DL #BigData Cc @ronald_vanloon @kirkdborne @spirosmargaris @jblefevre60 @thomaspower @montreal_ai @DeepLearn007
— John C. Maxwell III (@maxjcm) August 3, 2019
Bartenders share their feelings about that AI-powered bar
— FutureShift (@futureshift) August 3, 2019
love to hit the bar with my friends and have my face beamed up onto a screen when i'm trying to get a drink
— melanie ehrenkranz (@MelanieHannah) August 1, 2019
런던 바는 얼굴 인식을 사용하여 직원이 먼저 서빙할 사람을 알 수 있도록 도와줍니다.
— editoy (@editoy) August 4, 2019
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