Headphone jacks are (even more) officially a dying port
— Marques Brownlee (@MKBHD) August 1, 2019
The last few are moving to the dark side
If no headphone jack is a deal breaker for you, RIP your choices ☠️
Wireless audio... please get better thx https://t.co/cin1aFTpCg
Waking up to a leaking dongle is the worst part of tech reporting https://t.co/4DEJrKb0W9
— Farhad Manjoo (@fmanjoo) August 1, 2019
We did it, everyone. We came up with the worst phrase in any known language. https://t.co/X9TJ9UavH5 pic.twitter.com/ZqGY1X7TE9
— Jonathon Owen (@ArrantPedantry) August 1, 2019
Remember, you can get pregnant from a hot dongle leak even before the man finishes. Use a condom every time. https://t.co/yZ2fpeVj5y
— Kyle Orland (@KyleOrl) August 1, 2019
ICYMI: Samsung follows Apple’s lead by dumping headset jack https://t.co/1Bmg1Q0jeV by @edfromfreelance pic.twitter.com/dLz0mK889z
— Cult of Mac (@cultofmac) August 2, 2019
Samsung follows Apple’s lead by dumping headset jack https://t.co/1Bmg1Q0jeV by @edfromfreelance pic.twitter.com/egElWubpk3
— Cult of Mac (@cultofmac) August 1, 2019
Life without a headphone jack is getting better now that there are multiple decent choices for wireless headphones and USB-C-equipped ones. https://t.co/CWPpTrqUBP
— Harry McCracken (@harrymccracken) August 1, 2019
Samsung is likely killing the headphone jack on the Galaxy Note 10 https://t.co/FpHJP7ElaI
— FutureShift (@futureshift) August 1, 2019
삼성, 헤드셋 잭을 내버려서 애플을 따라 https://t.co/EvTNnNCeQB
— editoy (@editoy) August 2, 2019
• 흰색 페인트 작업은 갤럭시 S10 라인업에서 제공하는 액세서리처럼 갤럭시 노트 10의 다른 인 박스 액세서리도 흰색일 가능성이 있음을 의미합니다.
Dongle me this: Why I’m not mad that headphone jacks are going away https://t.co/bdME5Pps3v
— Evan Kirstel (@evankirstel) August 2, 2019
ICYMI - Samsung follows Apple’s lead by dumping headset jack https://t.co/1Bmg1Q0jeV by @edfromfreelance
— Cult of Mac (@cultofmac) August 2, 2019