New: Honda left an internal database exposed detailing all the security weak points for every employee's computer on its network.
— Zack Whittaker (@zackwhittaker) July 31, 2019
When you think you've seen it all. And then Honda leaves a DB open on the internet with a massive amount of employee systems data from the company’s endpoint security service with details of each device connected to the internal network.
— John Opdenakker (@j_opdenakker) July 31, 2019
A publicly accessible database exposed a huge trove of information on the global internal network of Honda, showcasing potential security vulnerabilities that could be abused by potential attackers.
— Adam Levin (@Adam_K_Levin) July 31, 2019
Unsecured Database Exposes Security Risks in Honda's Network #Honda #Infosec #cybersecurity
— Yoora Pak (@YooraPak) July 31, 2019
Leaked data included, "the CEO's full email, full name, department, MAC address, which Windows KB/patches had been applied, OS, OS version, endpoint security status, IP, and device type."
— Bad Packets Report (@bad_packets) July 31, 2019
— Autumn Good (@autumn_good_35) July 31, 2019
Honda leaks database with employee computer data
Honda Motor Company leaks database with 134 million rows of employee computer data
— Justin (@xxdesmus) July 31, 2019