Just show us the currently playing song and a map on a single screen come on it is not that hard.https://t.co/R6H8RdGk36
— Dieter Bohn (@backlon) July 30, 2019
the new android auto is here and... it's... fine? saving taps is nice, but i would rather you save me the number of times i have to talk to Google Assistant before it sends a damn text message https://t.co/27a9zSGlH1
— Natt การุณรังษีวงศ์ (@nattgarun) July 30, 2019
here's @nattgarun on the new Android Auto, which has some good new things and some really dumb things:https://t.co/mek4Yhz41H
— dan seifert (@dcseifert) July 30, 2019
Google has made Android Auto work more like your phone — for better or worse https://t.co/NrcMowDPrN pic.twitter.com/7r0RDKtykS
— The Verge (@verge) July 30, 2019
New improvements to Android Auto are starting to roll out, and they're fantastic. Personal favorite is persistent media controls and directions. I haven't owned a car for a long time and I won't for a long time, but I'm stoked to see this.
— David ImeI (@DurvidImel) July 30, 2019
Read: https://t.co/iUf1kwelwJ pic.twitter.com/Bc14nlfXJP
Android Auto 2019 업데이트 : 어두운 테마, 새로운 앱 실행기 등 https://t.co/P9xLM3VYjP
— editoy (@editoy) July 31, 2019
• 마지막으로, 화면이 넓은 차량을 가지고 있는 경우 Android Auto는 디스플레이를 최대화하여 더 많은 정보를 표시합니다.
Google has made Android Auto work more like your phone — for better or worse https://t.co/NrcMowDPrN pic.twitter.com/ZuDaViKkvP
— The Verge (@verge) July 31, 2019
#Google has made #AndroidAuto work more like your phone — for better or worsehttps://t.co/BGwDB4KiMY#autonomous #SmartCity #AI #IoT #Robotics #tech #5G #driverless #selfdriving #SelfDrivingCars #startup #technology #DriverlessCars #Robots #startups #transport #mobility #Travel
— guidaautonoma (@guidaautonoma) July 31, 2019