This is not surprising: for all the derision, spreadsheets are still amazingly accessible and effective tools — especially for tasks like “what if analysis” on small data sets. Less noticed: many of these spreadsheets are now powered by robust data pipelines and transformations
— eshmu (@eshmu) July 29, 2019
Executives are not comfortable with analytics platforms, and still prefer their spreadsheets via @ZDNet & @joemckendrick
— Sebastien Provencher (@sebprovencher) July 29, 2019
Executives are not comfortable with analytics platforms, and still prefer their spreadsheets | ZDNet
— Samo Drole (@samodrole) July 29, 2019
Executives are not comfortable with analytics platforms, and still prefer their spreadsheets #analytics #CIO
— mike d. kail (@mdkail) July 28, 2019
Executives are not comfortable with analytics platforms, and still prefer their spreadsheets - by @joemckendrick (via @jonerp)
— Jon Reed (@jonerpnewsfeed) July 28, 2019
Executives are not comfortable with analytics platforms, and still prefer their spreadsheets #data #analytics @joemckendrick @zdnet
— Evan Kirstel (@evankirstel) July 28, 2019
Executives are not comfortable with #analytics platforms, and still prefer their spreadsheets#AI and #advancedanalytics tools are present in most enterprises,but so are data silos and spreadsheets @joemckendrick#ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning
— Marcus Borba (@marcusborba) July 28, 2019
Why #Executives are not comfortable with #AnalyticsPlatforms,
— Spiros Margaris (@SpirosMargaris) July 28, 2019
and still prefer their #spreadsheets @joemckendrick #fintech #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning @Deloitte @DeloitteInsight
Couple interesting stats from survey in this article. “In companies where all personnel have been educated about how to leverage data, 88 percent exceeded business goals, compared to just 61 percent of those with few trained employees.“
— idigdata (@idigdata) July 27, 2019
"In companies where all personnel have been educated about how to leverage data, 88% exceeded business goals, compared to just 61% of those with few trained employees" via @ZDNet @joemckendrick #AI #bigdata #analytics
— Neville Hobson (@jangles) July 28, 2019
Executives are not comfortable with analytics platforms, and still prefer their spreadsheets
— Rich Tehrani (@rtehrani) July 28, 2019
More than a decade after the concept of big #data became part of the lexicon, only a minority of companies have become #insight-driven organizations—and culture may be the culprit. #analytics #AI @DeloitteInsight
— Don Fancher (@jdfancher) July 29, 2019
경영진은 분석 플랫폼에 익숙하지 않으며 여전히 스프레드 시트를 선호
— editoy (@editoy) July 30, 2019
Executives are not comfortable with analytics platforms, and still prefer their spreadsheets via @ZDNet & @joemckendrick #DataAnalytics #AI #Enterprise
— Kelly Hungerford (@KDHungerford) July 29, 2019
I keep coming back to this reality... its not the most advanced or useful technology customers keep interacting with its the ones that are most familiar. Organizations can only consume bleeding tech up to a point be it #AI #cloud or #containers
— Nick Brackney (@NickBrackney) July 29, 2019
Executives are not comfortable with analytics platforms, and still prefer their spreadsheets by @joemckendrick
— thomas wailgum (@twailgum) July 29, 2019