Evolution used to train neural networks in self-driving cars https://t.co/THywxdZdKO
— hardmaru (@hardmaru) July 25, 2019
We’re excited to announce the results of our research collaboration with @Waymo, applying Population Based Training (PBT) to help make the process of training neural nets in their self-driving cars more effective and efficient. https://t.co/O78PBpdBs1 pic.twitter.com/70kchhbcOO
— DeepMind (@DeepMindAI) July 25, 2019
Seems like flow through from DeepMind to other Google projects hasn't been immediate, but interesting point here that the method used to beat StarCraft accelerated has cut Waymo's compute power requirements in half and upped development speed 2X/3X. https://t.co/kDoykxq0Fh
— Tasha Keeney (@TashaARK) July 25, 2019
How #DeepMind is helping #Waymo
— Spiros Margaris (@SpirosMargaris) July 25, 2019
evolve better self-driving #AI algorithms https://t.co/3gK28iWG3x @techreview @willknight #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #AutonomousVehicles #BigData @JeroenBartelse @nigelwalsh @TunstallAsc @stratorob @FGraillot
DeepMind is helping Waymo evolve better self-driving AI algorithms #driving #algorithms @techreview https://t.co/Hi9qjg3DkR
— Evan Kirstel (@evankirstel) July 25, 2019
DeepMind is helping Waymo evolve better self-driving #AI algorithms https://t.co/w62DQuwRMh
— Martin Ford (@MFordFuture) July 25, 2019
Waymo's algorithms are evolving: https://t.co/Sn9ise9yMa
— will knight (@willknight) July 25, 2019
Google’s self-driving car spinout Waymo is now getting help from DeepMind to evolve better algorithms.
— Calum Chace (@cccalum) July 25, 2019
Vroom vroom! https://t.co/GaENEB9QDC
We are closer than ever and excellerating automation through Artificial Intelligence. https://t.co/otTQwj1dyt
— Yang Me (@YangMe2020) July 25, 2019
DeepMind is helping Waymo evolve better self-driving AI algorithms https://t.co/4KUzZm6cHx @techreview #SelfDrivingCars #AutonomousVehicles #AI #Algorithm
— Driverless Now (@DriverlessNow) July 25, 2019
Waymo and DeepMind mimic evolution to develop a new, better way to train self-driving AI https://t.co/wnV06OSfck via @techcrunch
— SAE International® (@SAEIntl) July 25, 2019
interesting - DeepMind and Waymo collaborate to improve AI accuracy and speed up model training #startup - in: ... https://t.co/M3nMdyuBB4
— JustDoIT (@doITnow91) July 25, 2019
@DeepMindAI on benefit of population-based evolutionary algorithms in ML https://t.co/9NdlGn9QIY
— Per Kristian Lehre (@pklehre) July 25, 2019
Evolutionary population based methods are obviously the solution to scaling intelligence: https://t.co/XtDstEsoPh . #ai #deeplearning
— IntuitionMachine (@IntuitMachine) July 25, 2019
DeepMind와 Waymo는 AI 정확성을 높이고 모델 교육 속도를 높이기 위해 협력 https://t.co/k6wxPCtbES
— editoy (@editoy) July 26, 2019
• 진화론에 영감을받은 PBT (Population Based Training)는 신경망에 효과적이고 효율적인 교육 체제를 찾는 데 도움이 되도록 DeepMind에서 처음 개발된 방법입니다.
Jeses!! Tesla's autopilot is finally gonna have proper competition. Whatever DeepMind touches eventually works, they will marinate you with algorithms!! https://t.co/FTekY3UccU
— Mabu Manaileng (@thisMabu) July 26, 2019
Population-based #MachineLearning training (PBT) speeds up selection of algorithms & parameters for a particular task by having candidate code draw from the “fittest” specimens (that perform a given task most efficiently) in an algorithmic population. https://t.co/9drIr7Z7xi
— David Ticoll (@dticoll) July 26, 2019
Power of self-driving software.https://t.co/xSVtxKLX33#AI #SelfDriving #Alphabetautonomousdriving #robotaxi #technews #godigital pic.twitter.com/7181wTqs9O
— NCR Technosolutions (@NCRTS) July 26, 2019
Waymo and DeepMind mimic evolution to develop a new, better way to train self-driving AI https://t.co/catbHAwcWY via @techcrunch
— Peter Xing (@peterxing) July 26, 2019
Waymo and DeepMind mimic evolution to develop a new, better way to train self-driving AI https://t.co/rKKMPIVzrv#AI #IA #BigData #BlockChain #Robots #Startup #Python #Chatbot #CyberSecurity #DataViz #DeepLearning #DataScience #Drone #JavaScript#Security #IoT #MachineLearning
— salaf salih (@wiwer77) July 25, 2019
Waymo and DeepMind mimic evolution to develop a new, better way to train self-driving AI https://t.co/ntCNvP7XMu
— Dennis (@ClarkDennisM) July 25, 2019
DeepMind and Waymo collaborate to improve AI accuracy and speed up model training https://t.co/kBwqdBzUXX via @VentureBeat
— Tim Hughes 提姆·休斯 (@Timothy_Hughes) July 26, 2019
DeepMind and Waymo collaborate to improve #AI accuracy and speed up model traininghttps://t.co/uruqSn9qLH @Kyle_L_Wiggers @VentureBeat #ArtificialIntelligence #DeepLearning #DataScience #MachineLearning
— Marcus Borba (@marcusborba) July 25, 2019
DeepMind and Waymo collaborate to improve #AI accuracy and speed up model training
— BIconnections (@biconnections) July 26, 2019
Sussing out #machinelearning models capable of reliably guiding driverless cars requires endless testing and fine-tuni ..https://t.co/9dKmWtVKpm pic.twitter.com/0vDhU6rpdK
How evolutionary selection can train more capable self-driving cars https://t.co/BXdiKGlFO3 #AI #Research via @demishassabis
— Future of AI (@future_of_AI) July 26, 2019
DeepMind and Waymo: how evolutionary selection can train more capable self-driving cars | DeepMind https://t.co/PLSwSmezIv via @rightrelevance thanks @deepmindai
— Bojan Tunguz (@tunguz) July 25, 2019
DeepMind and Waymo: how evolutionary selection can train more capable self-driving cars | DeepMind https://t.co/EVOQnBnF7W #DeepLearning #MachineLearning #AI #DataScience #NeuralNetworks #ReinforcementLearning #NLP #GPU #TensorFlow #Keras #Pytorch #Python #HPC
— Deep_In_Depth (@Deep_In_Depth) July 26, 2019