Msft and Sony were part of the smallish group of big tech co's that had special API access, which FB essentially ended in Dec. FB says the fact that these 2 were still lurking around was an oversight of its own. Sigh.
— Ingrid (@ingridlunden) July 24, 2019
Does anyone else think it's perfect that tucked into the FTC/Facebook news is Facebook's acknowledgement of a newly discovered privacy hole?
— Shira Ovide (@ShiraOvide) July 24, 2019
“Maybe a Netflix doc could be more punitive to Facebook than this settlement,” says @profcarroll
— Natasha (@riptari) July 24, 2019
#Facebook settles with FTC: $5 billion and new privacy guarantees
— Marco Ciappelli (@MarcoCiappelli) July 24, 2019
Facebook: “It will mark a sharper turn toward #privacy, on a different scale than anything we’ve done in the past.”
Translation: “Blah, blah, blah, whateva. We do what we wanna.”#Tech
페이스북, FTC와 50억 달러 벌금 및 새로운 사생활 보장과 함께 합의해. 이 합의안, FTC 위원들의 투표에서 3-2로 승인받아. 페이스북의 50억 달러 벌금, 전세계적으로 가장 큰 규모. 벌금 외에 페이스북, 사생활 보호 위해 새로운 위원회 결성할 것.
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) July 24, 2019
Facebook ends Microsoft, Sony access to friend data
— ✖ TommyATX ✖ (@TommyMackATX) July 24, 2019
"How long has Facebook known about this, and why did it decide to disclose it today?" any notification to a SA @AEPD_es @APD_GBA @CNIL @CNPD_Luxembourg @DPCIreland @Datainspektion @toezicht_AP @UODOgov_pl ? #EUdataP #privacy #GDPR
— Cellular (@Cellular_PP) July 24, 2019
"how long has Facebook known about this, and why did it decide to disclose it today?"@ingridlunden on TechCrunch:
— Wolfie Christl (@WolfieChristl) July 24, 2019
"Recently, a third party alerted us to a bug, which led us to investigate and find that …our codebase had enabled continued data access for some of these partners… Microsoft and Sony, continued to access limited types of friends data"
— Wolfie Christl (@WolfieChristl) July 24, 2019
That's new, right?
Does anyone else think it's perfect that tucked into the FTC/Facebook news is Facebook's acknowledgement of a newly discovered privacy hole?
— Shira Ovide (@ShiraOvide) July 24, 2019
Facebook ahora te va a cuidar | Cleaning Up Data Access for Partners ?
— Daniel Monastersky (@identidadrobada) July 24, 2019
.@Facebook announced that it would end user data access by Microsoft Corp and Sony Corp as a first step under its FTC settlement.
— Adam Levin (@Adam_K_Levin) July 24, 2019
Tied to the @FTC's $5 billion fine yesterday, @facebook announced it will cut off access to friend data for @Microsoft and @Sony to improve #dataprotection.
— Access Now (@accessnow) July 25, 2019
Facebook announced today that it’s finally tightening another string in its privacy policy by cutting off access to friend data for Microsoft and Sony.
— AlternativeTo (@AlternativeTo) July 24, 2019
"we’ve been reviewing the ways in which we enabled people to share data with outside companies"
— ? Pinkeee ? (@Elinor_Carmi) July 24, 2019
Facebook's phrasing is a textbook for the illusion of the empowered user who has the autonomy+power to decide+ choose despite this being completely the platform
100 Million USD to SEC
— Karan Ganesan (@karanganesan) July 24, 2019
5 Billion USD to FTC
Facebook "Cleaning Up Data Access for Partners"
The Great Hack (Netflix Documentary)
all these happened today
Date: July 24, 2019