⚠️ 8 Chrome extensions have been discovered to collect and distribute private browsing data. Google has disabled the extensions, but just to be sure, uninstall them. They include SpeakIt! and SuperZoom. https://t.co/Osn7oiYH28
— Tony Vincent (@tonyvincent) July 20, 2019
Uninstall These Eight Browser Extensions That Stole Data from Millions https://t.co/Gw8LJ3uyJD
— alexander knorr (@opexxx) July 20, 2019
Browser extensions remain a source of immense data leakage and privacy violations: https://t.co/ZMH8egoDd2
— Mohammad Farooq (@MohammadFarooq_) July 20, 2019
Uninstall These Eight Browser Extensions That Stole Data from Millions https://t.co/X4BaeC35K1#Privacy #pii #cookies #marketing #eu #gpdr #surveillance #tracking #monitoring #profiling #persona #UserData #righttobeforgetten pic.twitter.com/PTBMd7BOJ7
— Rich Tehrani (@rtehrani) July 20, 2019
These Eight Browser Extensions Stole Data from Millions by @Brendan_LH @DigitalTrends #edtechSR #security #googleEDU (applies to Chrome AND Firefox users) https://t.co/oTjN2UomAZ
— Wesley Fryer, Ph.D. ??? (@wfryer) July 20, 2019