I said this before, and I will repeat it, MS-office is the real cash cow. Everyone from sales, HR, purchases to accounting department depend upon it. Even many IT reports created in word/excel. Microsoft Word passes 1 billion installs on Play Store https://t.co/FrCVZo27lZ
— The Best Linux Blog In the Unixverse (@nixcraft) July 14, 2019
#Microsoft Word passes 1 billion installs on Play Store #MSFTAdvocate https://t.co/hJpOHGYn1S
— Qudus Olaniran (@MrQuOla) July 13, 2019
Microsoft Word Hits 1 Billion Installs on Android - https://t.co/tZj21Rtt7R pic.twitter.com/6SdMcb3A3K
— Paul Thurrott (@thurrott) July 13, 2019
Microsoft Word for Android has been installed more than 1 billion times https://t.co/9IadDMa6nY pic.twitter.com/MZrU0v6VMM
— The Verge (@verge) July 14, 2019
안드로이드용 MS 워드 앱 다운로드 건수가 10억 건을 돌파했다고... https://t.co/wsV6uNCIT0 pic.twitter.com/MqMoTsbYSE
— H. Kim (@metavital) July 15, 2019
Microsoft Word, Android에 10 억 건 설치 https://t.co/BAtgwl7U2b
— editoy (@editoy) July 15, 2019
• Word의 모바일 성공 - iOS에도 수억 번 설치되어 있다는 것은 의심의 여지가 없습니다- 은 Microsoft가 플랫폼의 창작자가 아닌 참여자일 뿐인 생태계에서도 여전히 영향력을 발휘할 수 있다는 것입니다.