What do contractors listening to Google Assistant queries hear? Requests for porn and accidental eavesdropping on arguments, children, and medical discussions https://t.co/iIGOn7BrsI
— Tom Simonite (@tsimonite) July 10, 2019
AI requires human evaluation, but responsible AI requires processes that respect privacy and security. Companies need to be transparent about what data they collect from users, how they process that data, and with whom they share it. https://t.co/2fTT98giIA
— Daniel Tunkelang (@dtunkelang) July 11, 2019
Who’s Listening When You Talk to Your Google Assistant? #voice | WIRED https://t.co/Xqovvi0Eey
— sabrina delale (@SDelale) July 11, 2019
All over the Dutch news: Google listens in. A contractor leaked actual audio files. It's part of the emergence of new media Annoying media hype, Wired's ok "Who’s Listening When You Talk to Your Google Assistant?" https://t.co/5zbmPvTer4 #voicecast #voicefirst #openvoice
— M. Lens-FitzGerald (@Dutchcowboy) July 11, 2019
“The Google contractor said that he transcribed around 1,000 clips per month in Dutch and Flemish, and that he was concerned by the sensitivity of some of the recordings.” New from @tsimonite https://t.co/u2rxxpOh5r
— Caitlin Kelly (@caitlin__kelly) July 10, 2019
A Belgian TV report renews questions about how Google, Amazon, & Apple handle the audio collected by their personal assistants. A reviewer for Google heard medical info and could identify a couple mentioned https://t.co/QFHdm0ZAml via @tsimonite
— Scott Thurm (@ScottThurm) July 10, 2019
Google may be listening to the always-on internet microphone you bought from them and installed in your home! https://t.co/unlgGjsfnH
— Pinboard (@Pinboard) July 11, 2019
This highlights the limits of supposed anonymisation - stripping data of one element (a name or user idea) does not anonymise it if the remaining data is full of other identifying information. https://t.co/apeGzfuYoA
— Rossa McMahon (@rossamcmahon) July 11, 2019
Yep, Google also has humans listening to recordings from the assistant for transcription. Lots of these recordings are accidental and revealingly personal. What say ye, @apple, is Siri recordings outsourced to contractors for transcription too? https://t.co/Ez51YaaJ3g
— DHH (@dhh) July 11, 2019
Doesn't address the fact that they aren't scrubbing PII utterances such addresses ... Or instead stripping addresses and transcribing them separately https://t.co/p2q5ILkVXR
— Paresh Dave (@peard33) July 11, 2019
Both Google and Amazon are so dumb for doing this without just asking every time they want to have a human check the speech recognition - if the percentages are as small as they claim, it wouldn’t be a problem. https://t.co/T8QfKlXqGa
— nilay patel (@reckless) July 11, 2019
"Google employees are systematically listening to audio files recorded by Google Home smart speakers and the Google Assistant smartphone app"
— Wolfie Christl (@WolfieChristl) July 11, 2019
However, I am far more concerned about how Google's *machines* use semantic data extracted from voice recordings. https://t.co/b81WACFype
Like Amazon, Google employees are eavesdropping I discovered with my team. Confirmed by 3 sources and Google. One transcriber speaks out. https://t.co/1FuXhRePgA #vrtnws
— Tim Verheyden (@timverheyden) July 10, 2019
"Google employees are systematically listening to audio files recorded by Google Home smart speakers and the Google Assistant smartphone app.. people at Google listen to these audio files to improve Google’s search engine" https://t.co/LuSewct1N7
— Frederik Borgesius (@fborgesius) July 10, 2019
Do. Not. Buy. These. Things.
— The Nash is coming from inside the house (@Nash076) July 11, 2019
Do not. Do not buy them. No. Put it down. https://t.co/zLnEIzrWJB
Feeling lonely? a Googler is only a whisper away! Further investigations of googlers listening to conversations including intimate/private topics, using audio from Google smarthome and the app (Amazon probably not any better) https://t.co/3TJCZ2aabI
— Hamed Haddadi (@realhamed) July 11, 2019
If you want to stream your sex for strangers, at least get paid for it https://t.co/5S9wnF3sfJ
— anonymous (@AnonQC) July 11, 2019
Are the recordings anonymized?
— Luc Rocher (@cynddl) July 11, 2019
VRT: we found a person from his recording! (‘This is undeniably my own voice’, says one man, clearly surprised. )
Google response: "Audio snippets are not associated with user accounts as part of the review process" ?https://t.co/JCtKXtbnTq
G?gle ?https://t.co/PcTdFQF3sH
— Robin von Post (@rvonpost) July 11, 2019
Google Home Captures Porn and More, Unbeknownst to Users | Threatposthttps://t.co/qXqiiejvoQ
— GulfDogs ® ?? (@GulfDogs) July 11, 2019
Google Home Silently Captures Recordings of Domestic Violence and More #CyberCrime #ThreatIntel #OSINT https://t.co/R4gnh2aKMe
— INTCELL CyberInt (@INTCELL_OSINT) July 11, 2019
Google workers can listen to what people say to its AI home devices:
— Julia Davis (@JuliaDavisNews) July 11, 2019
Company admitted that contractors can access recordings made by Assistant, after some of its recordings were leaked https://t.co/BBxrxjvZjC
I am Morten's total lack of surprise https://t.co/cPeAGlfB1f
— Morten @ home (@mor10) July 11, 2019
#Google workers can listen to what people say to its AI home devices | #Technology | Company admitted that contractors can access recordings made by Assistant, after some of its recordings were leaked https://t.co/5R8rhlggn3 pic.twitter.com/MQ7yHIkAgd
— George Roussos (@baphometx) July 11, 2019
Well obviously. Do not keep an AI listening device in your homehttps://t.co/1EHB26UKhk
— paul pod (@paulpod) July 11, 2019