Amazon to announce it will retrain 100,000 workers by 2025 by expanding existing training programs & rolling out new ones meant to help employees move into more advanced jobs inside or find new careers outside it. Training is voluntary.
— Norman Dempsey (@DempseyOnline) July 11, 2019
Think what you will about Amazon (& whatever you think is likely valid in some way), but this is a big deal! And, it sounds as if some of it goes beyond mere “training” to offer education.
— bill_fischer (@bill_fischer) July 11, 2019
Now, it’s appropriate to ask “what is my organization doing?”
The reshaping of roles, if done with an eye towards the future of what work will be in the next 5-10 years, can provide incredible opportunities for workers and open the door to new capabilities that are essentially human
— Erica Volini (@erica_volini) July 11, 2019
Should be a clarion call for secondary/higher ed and workforce development curriculums.
— Bob Duffy (@BobDuffyROC) July 11, 2019
As technology reshapes roles, Amazon plans to train 100,000 workers in new skills, from machine learning to nursing
Nice! I wish more companies considered making these types of investments.
— Cronus (@obsidion222) July 11, 2019
Amazon to Retrain a Third of Its U.S. Workforce
Amazon expanding its retraining and reskilling efforts.... should higher ed be worried?
— Yael Cockayne (@grushkay) July 11, 2019
Should be a pretty fascinating experiment to watch and measure!
— Peter Harris (@2peterharris) July 11, 2019
We all know where this leads...
— Talking Yang (@talkingyang) July 11, 2019
You can't retrain the masses for the job sectors of the few. And (fortunately - if we act #HumanityFirst) even those jobs will be overtaken by #AI.#YangGang #Yang2020 @AndrewYang #FreedomDividend #technews @amazon …
Amazon invests $700 million to retrain a third of its U.S. workforce by 2025:
— Sarah Perez (@sarahintampa) July 11, 2019
This is the tip of the iceberg, and not sure most companies will be so nice.
— Heather Payne (@heatherpayne) July 11, 2019
“Amazon commits $700 million to retrain workers in new skills”
— ? Kodi ? (@theamazingkodi) July 11, 2019
아마존, 2025 년까지 미국 직원의 3 분의 1을 재교육 계획
— editoy (@editoy) July 11, 2019
• 교육은 자발적이며 대부분의 프로그램은 무료입니다.
Amazon wants to retrain a third of its US workforce to adapt to an economy increasingly disrupted by automation and new technology.
— CNN International (@cnni) July 12, 2019
Amazon plans to retrain 100,000 employees
— Amit Paranjape (@aparanjape) July 12, 2019
Amazon wants to retrain a third of its US workforce to adapt to an economy increasingly disrupted by automation and new technology.
— CNN International (@cnni) July 11, 2019
A new $700 million retraining initiative by Amazon shows the growing importance of #upskilling and continuous learning in the workplace:
— Kahuna Workforce Solutions (@kahunaworkforce) July 11, 2019
Good for @amazon.
— Tara Walpert Levy (@tarawlevy) July 11, 2019
Amazon plans to spend $700 million to retrain a third of its workforce in new skills: WSJ
— Gerd Leonhard (@gleonhard) July 11, 2019
Why #Amazon to spend $700 million
— Spiros Margaris (@SpirosMargaris) July 12, 2019
to train 100,000 #workers for digital age #fintech #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #robotics #futureofwork
Why #Amazon to spend $700 million
— Felix E. Vargas Q. (@FelixEVargas) July 12, 2019
to train 100,000 #workers for digital age #fintech #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #robotics #futureofwork
Amazon to spend $700 million re-training 100,000 employees with digital skills @davehclark @KaraHurst @amazon
— Saadia Zahidi (@zahidi) July 11, 2019
“ Inc. plans to spend $700 million to retrain a third of its U.S. help its employees move into more advanced jobs inside the company or find new careers...”
— Peter Coffee (@petercoffee) July 11, 2019
[#AI #job] #Amazon plans to spend $700 million to retrain a third of its U.S. workforce, as technology threatens to upend the way many of its employees do their jobs.
— Christophe Tricot (@ctricot) July 12, 2019
Union opposes retraining?
— Jeff Jarvis (@jeffjarvis) July 12, 2019
Amazon to Retrain a Third of Its U.S. Workforce
As technology reshapes roles, Amazon plans to train 100,000 workers in new skills, from machine learning to nursing -> and spending *$700M* to do it, a sign of how dramatically technology is changing how we work
— caseycoleman (@caseycoleman) July 11, 2019
@Amazon will retrain one-third of its US workforce according to @WSJ
— Don Sull (@CultureXInsight) July 11, 2019
Employees at @Amazon already rank the company very highly on opportunities to learn (compared to general retailers)
For more on @Amazon #culture see @MITSMR/@Glassdoor #Culture500
As technology reshapes roles, Amazon plans to train 100,000 workers in new skills, from machine learning to nursing via @WSJ
— Bart Derre (@bartderre) July 11, 2019
Amazon invests $700 million to retrain a third of its U.S. workforce by 2025#ecommerce #amazon
— HighCrown (@HighCrownGroup) July 12, 2019
via @TechCrunch
My favorite type of investment is an investment in your own people. Good move @Amazon!
— Braxton Carter (@braxtoncarter) July 11, 2019
Amazon invests $700 million to retrain a third of its US workforce by 2025 via @techcrunch
— Toby Walsh (@TobyWalsh) July 11, 2019 좋은 의도라는건 알겠지만 5년간 1인당 7000불은 좀 작지 않습...?
— minchul park (@summerlight00) July 11, 2019