ment 7/10 '19 posted
• 오늘 이전에 게시된 규칙 위반의 트윗은 삭제해야 합니다.
• 이 트윗을 삭제하지 않더라도 새 규칙이 구현되기 전에 해당 트윗이 트위터에 게시되었다는 이유로 계정이 정지되지는 않습니다.
• 그 결과 대중과 외부 전문가 및 우리 팀과의 수개월의 대화와 피드백을 통해 우리는 다른 사람들을 종교에 근거하여 비인간적으로 취급하는 언어를 포함한 혐오스러운 행동에 대한 규칙을 확대하고 있습니다.

The company characterized this as a "start" and suggested…
Twitter revises rules on hate speech targeting religions []
Today Twitter updated its rules concerning hateful conduct on the platform,…
Twitter updates its policies regarding hate speech against religious groups []
Twitter's ban on "dehumanizing" language is slowly taking shape.  Nearly ten months after the…
Twitter bans 'dehumanizing language' aimed at religious groups []
Twitter has updated its hateful conduct rules, which starting today ban dehumanizing…
Twitter bans religion-based dehumanizing language []
Twitter can be a cesspool for hate speech. If you spend any meaningful amount of time…
Twitter Has New Rules To Curb Hate Speech Targeting Religious Groups []
The social network shared examples of tweets that violate the new policy (pictured above) and said…
Twitter Updated Its Hateful Conduct Rules to Cover Dehumanization Based on Religion []
Twitter is attempting to curb abusive tweets that don't include a direct target or engage in…
Twitter bans dehumanizing posts about religious groups []

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7/10 '19 answered

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Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
7/11 '19 answered

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