Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis [www.washingtonpost.com]
CBP suspends Perceptics from doing government business following data breach [www.cyberscoop.com]
You lost US Customs Border data? You're losing your government contracts... [www.grahamcluley.com]
CBP's suspension of Perceptics cites "a lack of business honesty or integrity" or some other issue of "serious or compelling" nature. Perceptics made pretty much all of the license-plate scanners used along the border, so ... that seems like a problem.
— Drew Harwell (@drewharwell) July 2, 2019
Oof, the hacked supplier of US border cops' license-plate reading tech, Perceptics, has been suspended by government officials, Drew @washingtonpost reports.
— The Register (@TheRegister) July 3, 2019
This comes after Perceptics' internal files, from emails to blueprints, were leaked onto the web. https://t.co/D0JADwK2Yp
New: The U.S. just suspended the contractor whose hacked records revealed sensitive details of border surveillance. It's a rare punishment typically reserved for serious wrongdoing - and a crippling blow to a key piece of the American surveillance machine https://t.co/RJcsEeQzxR
— Drew Harwell (@drewharwell) July 2, 2019
I have a 30-day access code to https://t.co/sYnOz6U76D to give away.
— Sam Fortier (@Sam4TR) July 3, 2019
Inspired by @GrantBrisbee, the best anagram of a player’s name on the Nationals’ active roster wins.
Beto was right. Again. https://t.co/FIWFXf6wu0
— From the first, not a thing is. (@Trumpseedeadppl) July 3, 2019
Once again Beto is right and yet nobody will give him any credit. https://t.co/FIWFXf6wu0
— From the first, not a thing is. (@Trumpseedeadppl) July 2, 2019
CBP(미국 세관 및 국경 보안), Perceptics를 데이터 침해로 정부 업무 수행 차단 https://t.co/C4jr7grAFj
— editoy (@editoy) July 4, 2019
We can change something’: These 13-year-olds found mold in their schools and did something about it.https://t.co/xC93Dx2FAZ #healthykids #wholechild
— UConn CSCH (@UConnCSCH) July 2, 2019
Are you kidding ? ????? this is like trump calling the media and pretending he’s his own publicist https://t.co/sRffWcIWxb
— Mary Q ( #ChristiansAgainstTrump ) (@shrekthepunk) July 4, 2019
— Citizens Public Safety Network (@Citizen_Safety) July 3, 2019
North American Man/Boy Love Association- Focus: Pedophile and pederasty activismhttps://t.co/bT0B79I1GM 8/31/00: ACLU To Represent NAMBLAhttps://t.co/xuWAZx2DMf#c2cNAMBLA #c2cPEDO #ElitePedoRing #c2cALCU https://t.co/tJDPr8spNt
According to Forbes my dear, over 60% of today’s new millionaires inherited some form of finances from their family or as some call it, a head start. On top of that 90% of America’s wealth is controlled by 20 families. But sure, go off sis. https://t.co/acuZSMMvyT
— Ki 2 Da Streets (@KiaraTheKarisma) July 3, 2019