ment 7/4 '19 posted

• 뉴욕에 본사를 둔 글로벌 투자 주식 회사 KKR은 수요일 Vector Capital의 소유권을 취득하여 Corel을 인수했다고 발표했습니다.
• 지난 12 월 유명 크로스 플랫폼 가상화 소프트웨어 업체인 패러랠 스 (Parallels)를 인수한 오랜 소프트웨어 업체 인 코렐 (Corel)은 최근 사모 투자 회사인 KKR에 인수되었습니다.
• Corel은 CorelDRAW, WordPerfect 및 WinZip을 비롯한 많은 유명 타이틀을 보유하고있는 캐나다의 소프트웨어 회사입니다.
• 소식통이 어제 우리에게 건낸 메모에서 Corel의 CEO 인 Patrick Nichols는 정리 해고가 없을 것이고 이번 인수는 기존 사업을 확장하고 더 많은 인수를 성사시키기 위해 자본을 획기적으로 새로 도입 할 것임을 직원에게 확신시켰습니다.

Corel, the Canadian software company that acquired Seattle-area Parallels this…
Canadian software company Corel acquired by KKR, less than a year after buying Parallels []
  Corel, recent buyer of virtualization software firm…
Corel, recent buyer of virtualization software firm Parallels, acquired by private equity firm KKR []
I'm guessing the Parallels price is going up sometime soon... "According to the memo, KKR is…
Corel, recent buyer of virtualization software firm Parallels, acquired by private equity firm KKR | AppleInsider []
Yesterday we broke the news that Corel — the company behind WordPerfect, Corel Draw and a…
KKR confirms it has acquired Canadian software company Corel, reportedly for over $1B []
Corel Acquired for Over $1 BillionPosted on July 2, 2019 by Paul Thurrott in Windows with 18…
Corel Acquired for Over $1 Billion []
Make informed decisions with the FT Keep abreast of…
Subscribe to read | Financial Times []
OTTAWA, July 03, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- KKR, a leading global investment firm, and Corel…
KKR Acquires Leading Software Platform Corel Corporation from Vector Capital []
KKR said July 3 that it closed its buy of Corel from Vector Capital. Financial terms of the…
KKR closes buy of Corel []

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7/4 '19 answered

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Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
7/4 '19 answered

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