ment 7/4 '19 posted

• 앱 디자이너 마이크 런들 (Mike Rundle)은 기즈모도 (Gizmodo)가 iOS 13 베타 버전에서 발견하고 테스트한 기능의 존재를 처음으로 지적했습니다.
• 화상 채팅은 다른 텍스트 기반 커뮤니케이션 방식보다 확실히 친숙하지만 디자인은 종종 카메라가 아닌 화면을보고 있습니다. 즉 그게 상대방을 볼 수 있는 방법입니다.
• iOS 13 베타 버전에서 Apple은 FaceTime 카메라에서 가져온 이미지를 조정하는 새로운 기능을 추가 했으므로 그렇지 않은데도 마치 카메라를 보고있는 것처럼 보입니다.
• "FaceTime Attention Correction"은 메뉴 설정에 따라 화상 통화 중 "더 정확하게" 눈을 마주 치게 할 것입니다.

Video chat like FaceTime is a useful feature for a…
FaceTime in iOS 13 will use AR to fix video call eye-contact []
Apple's "Attention Correction" Lets You See Eye-to-Eye in…
Apple's "Attention Correction" Lets You See Eye-to-Eye in FaceTime []
The feature, called FaceTime Attention Correction, is part…
Apple's new iOS 13 feature corrects your gaze during video calls []
  Last week Patently Apple posted a report titled "Air Force Technician away from…
Apple's iOS 13 coming this fall will use AI to make FaceTime Calls finally look more Natural []
FaceTime's new feature may not rely on being able to see a user's pupils. Even if a user is wearing…
Apple iOS 13 Beta 3 Download Includes FaceTime Attention Correction Setting Change []
Anyone who has ever video chatted using FaceTime or a similar app knows that it can be difficult…
Apple's iOS 13 beta has new feature for faking eye contact in FaceTime []
It appears Apple is testing out a feature that will help users fake some intimacy during video…
Apple's iOS 13 Lets Us Fake Intimacy in FaceTime by Correcting Our Gaze to Look Into the Camera []
If you're tired of looking like you're not looking at the screen when you take a selfie, Apple is…
iOS 13 Will Make Your FaceTime Calls Less Awkward []
FaceTime and other forms of video calling are already inherently weird, but Apple seems committed…
New FaceTime feature forces you to make eye contact []
You can now switch between apps in Slide Over. iOS development is always interesting,…
6 secret iOS 13 features show Apple still sweats the detail []
Hey Siri, fix my borked eyes APPLE FANS OFTEN GAZE LOVINGLY at their iPhones, whispering…
iOS 13 will correct your wonky gaze in FaceTime calls []

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7/4 '19 answered

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Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
7/4 '19 answered

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