Mark Zuckerberg Is Taking a Huge Bullet for Crypto - But Why? []
Why Facebook's Libra currency gets the thumbs down []
U.S. Lawmakers Demand Facebook Puts Brakes on Libra Cryptocurrency []
House lawmakers officially ask Facebook to put Libra cryptocurrency project on hold []
US Lawmakers and Congressional Democrats Demand Libra Crypto Halt []
Congress Calls for Immediate Moratorium on Zuckerberg’s New Cryptocurrency []
Members of US Congress demanding Facebook put Libra on hold []
Libra: US Congress asks Facebook to pause development []
US lawmakers tell Facebook to halt the launch of its Libra cryptocurrency []
Congress and Regulators Should Impose a Moratorium on Facebook’s Libra []
House Financial Services Committee Democrats ask Facebook to pause Libra []
Democrats Tell Facebook to Press Pause on Its Libra Cryptocurrency []
Mark Zuckerberg Is Taking a Huge Bullet for Crypto – But Why?
— CCN Markets (@CCNMarkets) July 3, 2019
Check out @JosephEStiglitz 's hot-off-the-press @guardian article on 'Why Facebook's Libra currency gets the thumbs down.' We can't wait for Joseph to open our festival this Friday! #www2019
— Ways With Words (@Ways_With_Words) July 2, 2019
OK now I'm officially pro Libra.
— Dragonchain (@dragonchaingang) July 3, 2019
House lawmakers officially ask Facebook to put Libra cryptocurrency project on hold
— The Verge (@verge) July 2, 2019
House lawmakers officially ask Facebook to put Libra cryptocurrency project on hold
— John Battelle (@johnbattelle) July 3, 2019
Government can ban #Libra, they can't ban #steem or #bitcoin. | House lawmakers officially ask Facebook to put Libra cryptocurrency project on hold via @Verge
— joythewanderer (@joylovesteem) July 3, 2019
David Marcus, the head of Facebook's Libra project, takes to Facebook to respond to all the doubts and questions that have come up since the project was announced two weeks ago.
— Nathaniel Popper (@nathanielpopper) July 3, 2019
Wow, House Dems on Financial Services -- which will grill FB at a hearing this month -- ask it to put a moratorium on Libra citing more concerns than I can fit in a tweet
— Tony Romm (@TonyRomm) July 2, 2019
David Marcus, the executive leading Facebook's Libra efforts, to me last week: "I think the level of scrutiny is absolutely warranted. And sure, is it the fact that it started at Facebook makes it more politically interesting? Of course."
— Alex Heath (@alexeheath) July 2, 2019
This letter reflects an important recognition by policymakers: the need to understand and mitigate the potential downsides of new technologies - including for national security and democracy - before they are deployed. Hope SV shares this recognition.
— Laura Rosenberger (@rosenbergerlm) July 2, 2019
For a few years, crypto has enjoyed a honeymoon phase: big enough to be relevant, but not so big as to seriously threaten the status quo.
— Jake Chervinsky (@jchervinsky) July 3, 2019
Libra may be bringing that phase to a close. Hard questions are coming our way now, and Facebook's the one answering.
Maxine Waters' request for Facebook to put an "immediate moratorium" on the development of its new cryptocurrency, Libra, is gaining steam. Here is the letter sent to Facebook today from a bunch of congressional Democrats:
— Nathaniel Popper (@nathanielpopper) July 2, 2019
FB on letter from Congress asking it to pause work on Libra: "We look forward to working with lawmakers as this process moves forward, including answering their questions at the upcoming House Financial Services and Senate Banking Committee hearings."
— Alex Heath (@alexeheath) July 3, 2019
Translation: not pausing!
Democrats on the House Financial Services Committee ask @facebook to halt their plans to launch a cryptocurrency —>
— Frank Thorp V (@frankthorp) July 2, 2019
I put odds Facebook actually does this at less than 20%
— Alex Heath (@alexeheath) July 2, 2019
미국 하원 금융서비스위원회가 페이스북에 대해, '리브라'가 국제 금융에 야기할 영향에 관한 의회 조사가 끝날 때까지 리브라 개발을 중지할 것을 요청하는 공식 서한을 보냈다고...
— H. Kim (@metavital) July 3, 2019
Libra: US Congress asks Facebook to pause development
— Rich Tehrani (@rtehrani) July 3, 2019
US lawmakers tell Facebook to halt the launch of its Libra cryptocurrency
— ??Golden Resister ? (@rjcrock2003) July 3, 2019
We and partners are demanding that Congress and regulators impose a moratorium on Facebook’s global currency, Libra.
— Public Citizen (@Public_Citizen) July 2, 2019
The risks posed by Libra are too great to allow the plan to proceed with so many unanswered questions.
Thirty-three groups, led by Public Citizen, call on Congress to place a moratorium on the implementation of Facebook's Libra currency.
— David Dayen (@ddayen) July 2, 2019
.@Facebook wants to create its own money--subject to the whims of private corporations. We have a lot of questions (& so do over 30 other orgs, organized by @Public_Citizen).
— Demand Progress (@demandprogress) July 2, 2019
This has the potential to trigger a global economic crisis.
마크 주커버그(Mark Zuckerberg)가 크립토(Crypto)를 위해 크게 한 방 먹다
— editoy (@editoy) July 4, 2019 FB didn't plan on this reaction, they miscalculated and what they must realize is that the gov't is now knowledgeable enough about tech to be dangerous. This ends badly for Libra. FB should have been more transparent earlier than crafty with the congress.
— Sinjin David Jung (@SinjinDavidJung) July 3, 2019
House lawmakers officially ask Facebook to put Libra cryptocurrency project on hold #blockchain #cryptocurrency #facebook #libra #regulation
— CreativeConstruction (@CreativeConstr) July 4, 2019
House lawmakers officially ask Facebook to put #Libra #cryptocurrency project on hold
— Steve Evans (@steve_e) July 3, 2019
Unbelievable! How much will the lobbyists make?
— Jack Bouroudjian (@JackBouroudjian) July 3, 2019
House lawmakers officially ask Facebook to put Libra cryptocurrency project on hold
I hope that Schoolhouse Rock will update its classic segment on lawmaking in Congress to explain how all of this works exactly:
— Randy Picker (@randypicker) July 3, 2019
#FacebookDown is true in more ways than one today.
— Tresorit (@Tresorit) July 3, 2019