ment 7/3 '19 posted

• Xiaomi는 Apple의 아이디어를 "빌려왔다"는 역사를 가지고 있습니다.
• 미모지 (Mimojis)를 둘러싼 모든 소동이 시작되었기 때문에, 샤오미 (Xiaomi)는 웨이보(Weibo)를 통해 애플을 복사하지 않았다고하는 통렬한 성명을 발표했습니다.
• GizmoChina는 Xiaomi Group의 홍보 총책 책임자 Xu Jieyun이 2018 년 5 월에 Mimoji의 첫 번째 버전을 발표했다는 내용을 분명히 하려고 노력했습니다. 그는 Apple이 그 해 6 월까지 Memoji를 만들지 않았다고 말했습니다.
• iPhone에서 사용자는 Memoji를 만들고 사용자 정의한 다음 메시지의 비디오 또는 스티커로 보낼 수 있으며 Xiaomi의 Mimoji도 비슷한 방식으로 작동합니다.

Facepalm: Chinese phone maker Xiaomi has unveiled its latest original…
Xiaomi's 'Mimoji' is a not-so-subtle take on Apple's Memoji stirring up controversy []
As it stands, the phones are closer in appearance to…
Xiaomi subtly clones Apple's Memoji with 'Mimoji' []
Chinese company Xiaomi is gearing up to launch a new smartphone, the CC9, and along with it the…
Xiaomi Clones Apple's Memoji With New 'Mimoji' Avatars [Updated] []
Xiaomi’s New Mimoji Bears an Uncanny Resemblance with Apple’s…
Xiaomi's New Mimoji Bears an Uncanny Resemblance with Apple's Memoji []
  Xiaomi CC9's 'Mimoji' heavily borrows from Apple's…
Xiaomi CC9's 'Mimoji' heavily borrows from Apple's 'Memoji' []
A couple of days ago, we reported that Xiaomi will be releasing a new version of Xiaomi Mimoji…
Xiaomi clarifies about Mimoji controversy; threatens to take legal action against rumor-mongers []

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7/3 '19 answered

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7/3 '19 answered

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ment 7/6 '19 answered
Xiaomi 직원조차 Apple Memoji의 복제본을 구별할 수 없습니다.
• 이건 Xiaomi 소매점 광고에 실수로 포함된 Apple Music Memoji 프로모션입니다.
• Xiaomi 담당자에 따르면, 직원이 "잘못된 내용"을 업로드한 데 따른 단순한 혼란이라고 합니다.

  Even Xiaomi staff can't distinguish its clone of…
Even Xiaomi staff can't distinguish its clone of Apple's Memoji []
Earlier this week, Xiaomi announced its new Mi CC9 smartphone that comes with a blatant copy…
Xiaomi adds insult to injury as it uses an actual Apple ad to promote its Memoji clone []
Xiaomi is a huge smartphone presence in many countries, and it got there, at least in…
Xiaomi just owned itself in the most Xiaomi way imaginable []
Earlier this week, Xiaomi revealed a new digital avatar feature called "Mimoji," and the parallels…
Xiaomi Uses Official Apple Memoji Ads to Promote its 'Mimoji' Clone, Allegedly by Accident []

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7/6 '19 answered

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