Samsung launches a Bixby app store to better compete with Alexa and Google Home https://t.co/Xyykd5NnAd pic.twitter.com/iLd7RRJLDm
— The Verge (@verge) July 1, 2019
Samsung launches Bixby Marketplace in the US and Korea https://t.co/YYbdEvNXTW by @stephcondoncbs
— ZDNet (@ZDNet) July 1, 2019
#BixbyMarketplace is Bixby’s brand-new customization platform that adds new levels of personalization to your devices #Bixbyhttps://t.co/gz7BEZbswh
— Samsung Electronics (@Samsung) July 1, 2019
Samsung launches Bixby Marketplace in the U.S. and South Korea #southkorea @venturebeat @psawers https://t.co/q45dFqpAJO
— Evan Kirstel (@evankirstel) July 1, 2019
삼성의 Bixby 'Marketplace'가 드디어 출시되었지만 불모의 황무지 https://t.co/khT6JvOWYr
— editoy (@editoy) July 2, 2019
Samsung launches a Bixby app store to better compete with Alexa and Google Home https://t.co/Xyykd5NnAd pic.twitter.com/bJTBzupWpb
— The Verge (@verge) July 2, 2019
삼성전자가 빅스비용 앱 스토어 릴리즈. 써드파티 통합은 삼성전자가 빅스비를 차별화시키기 위해 오랫동안 노력해 온 부분인데, 'Bixby Marketplace' 릴리즈는 그 다음 스텝으로 보면 됨. 유저 반응은 어떨지 과연 빅스비만의 독창적인 생태계를 만들 수 있을지 궁금.. https://t.co/CgpXelatLE
— 금동우 (@ehddn1) July 2, 2019