ment 7/2 '19 posted

• WSJ에 따르면, Apple은 첫해 예상의 4 분의 1 밖에 판매하지 못했고,17,000 달러짜리 골드 Apple Watch Edition 중 "수천"개는 판매되지 않은 상태로 남아있습니다.
• WSJ에 말한 소식통에 따르면, Ive는 "제품 개발 프로세스에 거의 관심을 보이지 않았던" Tim Cook에 의해 "실망"했습니다.
• "Apple은 망했다"는 이야기는 주기적으로 반복되고 있으며, 2014 년 중반이 확실히 그 전성기 중 하나였습니다. 특히 Tim Cook은 새로운 제품 라인을 출시해서 Apple이 Steve Jobs없이 혁신 할 수 있음을 입증해야 하는 큰 압력을 느끼고 있었습니다.
•  샌프란시스코 집에서 더 이상 사무실에 거의 출근하지 않은 애플의 디자인 책임자인 조니 아이브 (Jony Ive)에게 제품의 계획된 기능을 보여줄 계획이었습니다.

When Steve Jobs died in 2011, the burden of carrying the Apple founder’s flame was not so much…
Apple will be fine without Sir Jony Ive []
To many, Jony Ive’s announced departure from Apple last week felt very sudden. But a narrative…
Jony Ive ‘dispirited’ by Tim Cook’s lack of interest in product design: WSJ []
Excerpts from the notes I’ve seen. More as they come in.Timothy Arcuri, UBS: Management changes…
Jony Ive leaving Apple: What the analysts are saying []
03 June 2019, US, San Jose: Apple boss Tim Cook (l) talks to head of design Jony Ive…
Is Apple Becoming The Next IBM? []
Apple design chief Jony Ive officially announced his impending departure from the company…
Jony Ive is reportedly leaving Apple over its stifling operations focus []
Jony Ive gradually drifted apart from Apple after Tim Cook — Steve Jobs' successor as CEO — showed…
Jony Ive 'dispirited' by Apple CEO Tim Cook: Wall Street Journal []
Update (6 PM ET): In an email to a reporter, Tim Cook…
Jony Ive reportedly felt that Tim Cook wasn’t interested in design []
‘A Bit Too Thin’, With Special Guest Ben Thompson Sunday, 30 June 2019 Special guest Ben…
Ep. 256, With Special Guest Ben Thompson []
As the deadline loomed for the 10th anniversary iPhone, Apple Inc.’s top software…
Jony Ive Is Leaving Apple, but His Departure Started Long Ago []
Apple naysayer Tripp Mickle has been gathering string on this story for more than a year.From…
WSJ: How Apple lost Jony Ive []
Apple employees have felt Chief Design Officer Jony Ive's absence long before he announced his…
Apple design chief Jony Ive was tired of Tim Cook logistics focus: WSJ []

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7/2 '19 answered

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Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
7/2 '19 answered

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