Apple will be fine without Sir Jony Ive []
Jony Ive ‘dispirited’ by Tim Cook’s lack of interest in product design: WSJ []
Jony Ive leaving Apple: What the analysts are saying []
Is Apple Becoming The Next IBM? []
Jony Ive is reportedly leaving Apple over its stifling operations focus []
Jony Ive 'dispirited' by Apple CEO Tim Cook: Wall Street Journal []
Jony Ive reportedly felt that Tim Cook wasn’t interested in design []
Ep. 256, With Special Guest Ben Thompson []
Jony Ive Is Leaving Apple, but His Departure Started Long Ago []
WSJ: How Apple lost Jony Ive []
Apple design chief Jony Ive was tired of Tim Cook logistics focus: WSJ []
As the iPhone X deadline loomed, Apple's top software designers gathered at San Francisco's The Battery. They were there to show features to Jony Ive. He was 3 hours late.
— Tripp Mickle (@trippmickle) July 1, 2019
“Many of us were thinking: How did it come to this?”
What’s eating Apple? The deep, inside story on a rudderless design team as Jony’s distanced himself from Apple and Tim Cook for years - despite public shows of solidarity and increased pay packages + titles. @trippmickle
— Shalini Ramachandran (@shalini) July 1, 2019
“Mr. Ive’s old design team—a group of aesthetes once thought of as gods inside Apple—will report to COO Jeff Williams, a mechanical engineer with an M.B.A.” Heck of a way to end the article.
— David Barnard (@drbarnard) July 1, 2019
Apple hit the classic wartime vs peace time CEO challenge that hits every company. You start off with an aggressive founder that pushes growth & innovation then as you hit peak, company needs a leader who can manage at scale & grow revenue + profits.
— Dare Obasanjo (@Carnage4Life) July 1, 2019
Jony Ive Is Leaving Apple. His departure from the company cements the triumph of operations over design at Apple, a fundamental shift from a business driven by hardware wizardry to one focused on maintaining profit margins ?
— Sim Shagaya (@SimShagaya) July 1, 2019
Not sure what’s better in this piece, the passage about how Ive would leave designers waiting for hours, the backstory of the gold Apple Watch or AirPower described as a "dorm-room hot plate.”
— Joanna Stern (@JoannaStern) July 1, 2019
Every word of this @trippmickle piece about Jony Ive so good:
Why hasn't Apple had a hit product in years? A look at the internal drama around the departure of its design chief helps explain
— The Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) July 1, 2019
Jony Ive ‘dispirited’ by Tim Cook’s lack of interest in product design
— Morning Tech (@mrapptech) July 1, 2019
Jony Ive ‘dispirited’ by Tim Cook’s lack of interest in product design: WSJ
— iTech (@iTech_iNews) July 1, 2019
"Jony Ive ‘dispirited’ by Tim Cook’s lack of interest in product design: WSJ." This is what I've also heard. Apple Park was the last design achievement and will last long after the last iPhone is retired.
— Michael Gartenberg (@Gartenberg) July 1, 2019
WSJ: Jony Ive Became ‘Dispirited’ After Apple Watch and Sometimes Failed to Show Up to Meetings by @waxeditorial
— (@MacRumors) July 1, 2019
Fascinating insight into the development timeline of the iPhone X in 2017.
— Federico Viticci (@viticci) July 1, 2019
Said this many times: without legacy iPhone revenue covering up extensive decay within Apple, Cook would've been fired by now.
— Bradley Metrock (@bmetrock) July 1, 2019
Look at their computers.
Look at Siri.
Look at #AppleEdu.
Look at the iPhones themselves.
Look at the stores.
Everything is in a state of disrepair.
It’s probably good Ive is out so that other people who show up on time and are easier to fire when they screw up can take over?
— nilay patel (@reckless) July 1, 2019
Also I’ve never met an Apple exec who isn’t interested in design - they know what they’re selling.
I have a lot to say about this WSJ "Apple is imploding" article. However, there was one thing that literally made me LOL this morning.
— Neil Cybart (@neilcybart) July 1, 2019
Jony Ive reportedly felt that Tim Cook wasn’t interested in design
— Morning Tech (@mrapptech) July 1, 2019
This would make sense. It's so hard for any tech company to have a long and dominant growth run. The early "haves" and "have nots" clash. People retire. Risk tolerance declines. Rich less motivated than newbies. Remember the Sony run?
— Patrick Moorhead (@PatrickMoorhead) July 1, 2019
Apple-Jony Ive Divorce, Part Deux, The Dispirited Years.
— Kontra (@counternotions) July 1, 2019
The problem for tech companies unlike other industries is that it's always wartime due to constant innovation.
— Dare Obasanjo (@Carnage4Life) July 1, 2019
We don't get to rest on our laurels and focus exclusively on extracting more dollars from captured users. This is mistake Microsoft made in Ballmer transition.
When the creative leadership is replaced by finance people business inevitably suffers, regardless of how big and successful the company. I’m a fan boy, but Apple is losing it.
— Martin Homent ? (@RedFoxBandit) July 1, 2019
This explains ALOT with Apple in the last few years.
— BadDude.SimoHayha? (@ChiefCovfefe) July 1, 2019
— 堀 正岳 (めほり)@「知的生活の設計」 (@mehori) July 1, 2019
本当ならすごい話だ... #めほリンク
Jony Ive ‘dispirited’ by Tim Cook’s lack of interest in product design: WSJ
— The Verge (@verge) July 1, 2019
Jony Ive ‘dispirited’ by Tim Cook’s lack of interest in product design: WSJ
— Pando Group (@ThePandoGroup) July 1, 2019
Jony Ive ‘dispirited’ by Tim Cook’s lack of interest in product design: WSJ
— iTech (@iTech_iNews) July 1, 2019
‘A Bit Too Thin’ — new episode, with special guest @benthompson:
— The Talk Show (@thetalkshow) July 1, 2019
Detailed story on Jony Ive’s departure by @trippmickle + woo boy this last graf:
— Katie Boehret (@KatieBoehret) July 1, 2019
Mr. Ive’s old design team—a group of aesthetes once thought of as gods inside Apple—will report to COO Jeff Williams, a mechanical engineer with an M.B.A.
Not sure what’s better in this piece, the passage about how Ive would leave designers waiting for hours, the backstory of the gold Apple Watch or AirPower described as a "dorm-room hot plate.”
— Joanna Stern (@JoannaStern) July 1, 2019
Every word of this @trippmickle piece about Jony Ive so good:
Absolute must-read by @trippmickle
— Dieter Bohn (@backlon) July 1, 2019
Apple hit the classic wartime vs peace time CEO challenge that hits every company. You start off with an aggressive founder that pushes growth & innovation then as you hit peak, company needs a leader who can manage at scale & grow revenue + profits.
— Dare Obasanjo (@Carnage4Life) July 1, 2019
Jony Ive Is Leaving Apple. His departure from the company cements the triumph of operations over design at Apple, a fundamental shift from a business driven by hardware wizardry to one focused on maintaining profit margins ?
— Sim Shagaya (@SimShagaya) July 1, 2019
Jony Ive Is Leaving @Apple, But His Departure Started Long Ago
— Culttture (@culttture) July 1, 2019
Design chief helped create some of the world’s best-known products, but grew distant as the company shifted focus under CEO @Tim_Cook.
Fantastic work from @trippmickle: There’s a lot more to Jony Ive leaving than previously reported. Not a particularly bullish story for Apple.
— Jay Yarow (@jyarow) July 1, 2019
조나단 아이브가 애플을 관두기까지 생긴 일종의 균열은 잡스 사망 직후부터 시작된 매우 오래된것이었다고. 이미 수년간 아버지 병간호도 겸해 영국에 쳐박혀가는걸 돈으로 간신히 붙잡다가 지쳐 나가떨어진 격.
— 푸른곰 (@purengom) July 1, 2019
"Mr. Ive’s old design team—a group of aesthetes once thought of as gods inside Apple—will report to COO Jeff Williams, a mechanical engineer with an M.B.A."
— James Wang (@jwangARK) July 1, 2019
Just what Steve wanted, I'm sure.
Jony Ive Is Leaving Apple, but His Departure Started Long Ago - WSJ 1) 세상 일 보이는 게 전부가 아니다, 라는 말에는 귀기울일 필요가 있다 2) 그런데 보이는 거 말고 뭐가 더 있는 경우가 그렇게 많지도 않다 3) 눈을 믿되 귀를 열어두자
— JeongtaeRoh (@JeongtaeRoh) July 1, 2019
Jony Ive drifted away from Apple’s leadership and left the elite design team rudderless, inefficient, and ultimately weakened by a string of departures.
— Scott Austin (@ScottMAustin) July 1, 2019
Big read from WSJ’s @trippmickle based on conversations over the past year.
조니 아이브는 몇년전부터 실질적인 경영진 업무를 하지 않았고 팀 쿡이 재무와 운영 중심 회사로 만드는 과정에서 좌절감을 느꼈다고 그의 측근들이 말했다. 스티브잡스가 그의 스튜디오에 찾아오면 새로운 시안을 보여주는 문화가 있었으나 잡스가 죽고 그 문화는 사라졌다.
— 사이버 요정 성치 (@sungchi) July 1, 2019
By far the most entertaining and engaging article I have read in awhile. What a great way to end the story.
— Vinoth Ragunathan (@helvetiica) July 1, 2019
Apple을 떠나는 조니 아이브에 대한 말들
— editoy (@editoy) July 2, 2019
— マクラモウフ (@makuramoufu) July 1, 2019
This was an excellent and revealing story about Apple’s executive culture, which is why Tim Cook doesn’t want you read it!
— noah kulwin (@nkulw) July 1, 2019
Jony Ive is leaving Apple. Here is something we should think about. @trippmickle @WSJ
— Vincent Rajkumar (@VincentRK) July 2, 2019
I've been calling @trippmickle
— Rob Copeland (@realrobcopeland) July 1, 2019
"absurd" since way before it was trending.
By the way, read the dynamite story that all of Silicon Valley is talking about (and which Apple and Tim Cook have raised exactly zero factual objections to):
In case you were wondering, this is the story Tim Cook called "absurd" but didn't actually refute in any specific or meaningful way. It's fantastic reporting from @trippmickle and a great story and extremely worth your time
— David Pierce (@pierce) July 1, 2019
There was no Apple comment in the WSJ story. And no mention of the company declining to comment, outside of Ive's decline via a spokesperson.
— Alex Kantrowitz (@Kantrowitz) July 2, 2019
If WSJ asked and Apple declined, then pretty bush league for CEO to call the story "absurd" once he read.
“Mr. Ive’s old design team—a group of aesthetes once thought of as gods inside Apple—will report to COO Jeff Williams, a mechanical engineer with an M.B.A."
— Michael Boswell (@downloadcue) July 2, 2019
Two words: mass exodus. Rightfully so ... design demands a seat at the table, especially at Apple.
Here's the @trippmickle story.
— John Ourand (@Ourand_SBJ) July 2, 2019
A Wall Street Journal spokesperson tells me the paper stands by the report, which is by @trippmickle & can be read here:
— Dylan Byers (@DylanByers) July 1, 2019
Sure sign that @trippmickle's story on Jony Ive is a must read. Story that touched a nerve with Cook is here:
— Robert McMillan (@bobmcmillan) July 1, 2019
(1/3) Look... The Steve Jobs era ended with the release of the Apple Watch. Every Apple design since has been uninspired because Cook - a COO by trade - doesn't prioritize design, doesn't understand design, and doesn't value design.
— Olivier Blanchard (@OABlanchard) July 1, 2019
Apple's design chief, Jony Ive, was often absent over the last few years, new report says
— Evan Kirstel (@evankirstel) July 1, 2019