We’re Closing the Upload Beta Program. Here’s What Artists Need to Know: [artists.spotify.com]
Apple Music and Spotify help indies double their market share- 9to5Mac [9to5mac.com]
Spotify shuts down its music upload beta program for artists [techcrunch.com]
Spotify ends direct distribution beta test for artists [rainnews.com]
Music Business Worldwide [www.musicbusinessworldwide.com]
Spotify ends direct music uploads for indie artists [www.engadget.com]
— Singto Conley ? (@singtoconley) July 1, 2019
On July 30th, the Spotify for Artists upload beta will end, and all music uploaded with it will be REMOVED. Artists have until then to redeliver their music through a 3rd party distributor to avoid downtime.https://t.co/AOsiqoAfYY pic.twitter.com/6oGCsXQVlN
Spotify decides it doesn't want to be a distributor after all - Music Business Worldwide https://t.co/JId9gDJ1i2
— Calling All Astronauts (@CAA_Official) July 1, 2019
Spotify, September 2018: We're becoming a distributor, taking on TuneCore, Ditto, CD Baby etc. – and we're doing it for FREE!
— MBW (@musicbizworld) July 1, 2019
Spotify, June 2019: Actually, screw that. We quit.https://t.co/te2f9K396Y
Spotify decides it doesn't want to be a distributor after all - Music Business Worldwide @soundbuzzer @DevrajSanyal @neerajkalyan24 @kumartaurani https://t.co/Bf6hIhu181
— blaise fernandes (@blaisefernandes) July 1, 2019
Somewhere at Spotify: "oh whoops, distribution is pretty complex huh" https://t.co/qgQrJrIs24
— Sebastian Wolff (@SebastianWolff) July 1, 2019
Spotify decides it doesn't want to be a distributor after all - https://t.co/te2f9K396Y
— MBW (@musicbizworld) July 1, 2019
#Spotify がUpload Beta Program(アーティストがディストリビューターを通さずに、直接Spotifyに楽曲をアップできるようになる機能)の提供を終了すると発表しました。今後はSpotify for Artists(アーティストのための分析ツール)などの開発にリソースを集中するようです。https://t.co/GZlubOYrre https://t.co/yLASTRHZUS
— Pluto #プレイリスト (@Pluto_playlist) July 1, 2019
Spotify, 아티스트를 위한 음악 업로드 베타 프로그램 셧다운 https://t.co/hOhWB7uJW0
— editoy (@editoy) July 2, 2019
I applaud @spotifyartists for taking the opportunity to test a better experience for artists and fans. In the end, artists need to reach their fans on whatever platform they prefer. https://t.co/XwrsJOrokX
— Tamir Koch (@tamirkoch) July 2, 2019
— 藤村厚夫 (@afujimura) July 1, 2019
"Spotify got the music business chattering last year when it announced that it was enabling artists to upload their music direct to the platform."
— CAPASSO (@CapassoHub) July 2, 2019
READ MORE ON:https://t.co/FgtbKCJuVW
— 山口哲一#StartUpStudio (@yamabug) July 2, 2019
→Spotify decides it doesn't want to be a distributor after all - Music Business Worldwide https://t.co/0nBwkYYV5T
Big news here. https://t.co/YOTpsx1i4m
— Mark Tavern (@marktavern) July 1, 2019
And @spotify ends its direct music uploads program for indie artists https://t.co/9OYQcYdmIa
— Ariel Hyatt (@cyberpr) July 2, 2019
Enter: Mainstream For The Underground $MFTU thank you very much. https://t.co/sYRnolKXL6
— James ♿ HottWeelz ?️ Tylee (@OfficialJTylee) July 1, 2019