NEW from me: Sandwiched between President Trump & President Xi, Abe underscored the importance of his “Data Free Flow with Trust” concept, a move calls for the creation of a set of rules enabling the free movement of data across borders. @japantimes
— Satoshi Sugiyama (@SatoshiJournal) June 28, 2019
#DataGovernance has priority: Japanese Prime Minister wants the #G20 summit to set the rules on how countries share data, but nations are deeply divided on the issue. @TheAtlantic #BigData
— T-Systems (@tsystemscom) June 28, 2019
It's exciting just how nowhere we are with global data governance. There's so much to invent!
— Robin Berjon (@robinberjon) June 29, 2019
The Global Data War Heats Up
— Adam Segal (@adschina) June 28, 2019
Our latest in @TheAtlantic “the rules for who controls data—and therefore harnesses its value—is part of a bigger geopolitical competition that will shape the 21st century” w/ @jshermcyber
— Samm Sacks (@SammSacks) June 26, 2019
DCLT Undergraduate Fellow @jshermcyber along with @SammSacks wrote this piece for @TheAtlPolitics about the global data war and #G20 #G20Summit
— Duke Center on Law & Tech (@DukeLawTech) June 26, 2019
The Global #data war heats up! #datagovernance #privacy #security #ownership in age of global #connectivity is challenging. These are not merely technical problems, but deep divides that may not be possible to bridge
— Tariq Malik ™ (@ReplyTariq) June 27, 2019
"At issue is how countries view data. Do companies own the information? Does an individual own it? Does a government have access to it? The problem is that governments across China, India, the EU, Japan, & the US have philosophical differences:"
— Center for Democracy & Technology (@CenDemTech) June 27, 2019
Writing for @TheAtlantic, @jshermcyber and @SammSacks predict that one of #ShinzoAbe’s greatest legacies could be promoting conversation between world leaders about global data, which is one of his goals for the #G20 summit in #Japan this week
— Halifax The Forum (@HFXforum) June 27, 2019
Good read for the privacy, cross-border, 5G, and AI crowd:
— Joseph Jerome (@joejerome) June 27, 2019
In @TheAtlantic, @SammSacks snd @jshermcyber write that "the rules for who controls data—and therefore harnesses their value—are part of a bigger geopolitical competition that will shape the 21st century."
— Privacy Project (@PrivacyProject) June 26, 2019
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe wants the G20 summit to set the rules on how countries share data, but, say @SammSacks and @jshermcyber, nations are deeply divided on the issue:
— TheAtlanticPolitics (@TheAtlPolitics) June 26, 2019
— Paul Triolo (@pstAsiatech) June 27, 2019
G20 Meeting Could See New Global Data Rules - The Atlantic
G20 Meeting Could See New Global Data Rules - The Atlantic
— Megan M. Roberts (@MeganMRoberts1) June 26, 2019
The Global #data #war heats up: Abe wants the #G20Summit to set the rules on how countries share data, but nations are deeply divided on the issue.
— Fatima Z. Er-Rafia (@DrErRafiaFZ) June 27, 2019
Japanese PM sees data governance as a priority. Indeed, the fact that the internet has remained relatively global and open has enabled the growth of the digital economy. Apps, email, ecommerce... Underneath it lie data, 1s and 0s that form everything!
— James Bibby (@Ongemerkt) June 27, 2019
#Dataflows become the latest rallying point for #BRICS at #G20. However within #BRICS, #China is much ahead on data governance. #India and the rest must note the imbalance.Also, means more trouble for #IndiaUStrade
— Amitendu (@Amitendu1) June 29, 2019
Still building a framework to harness its data economy potential, India is hedging its bets on the issue. Even if it means breaking ranks with strategic partners — the US and Japan.
— Express Explained (@ieexplained) June 29, 2019
Read @ShubhajitRoy report:
G-20 Osaka summit: India refuses to sign declaration on free flow of data across borders.
— Shubhajit Roy (@ShubhajitRoy) June 29, 2019
I report from Osaka @IndianExpress #G20 #G20OsakaSummit2019
The implications of this are going to be interesting at many levels...
— Shivangi Nadkarni (@shivanginadkarn) June 30, 2019
Kudos @narendramodi @PiyushGoyal Very Important, great stand in favour of data sovereignty. Let’s defeat forces of data colonisation. G-20 Osaka summit: India refuses to sign declaration on free flow of data across borders | India News, The Indian Express
— ASHWANI MAHAJAN (@ashwani_mahajan) June 30, 2019
G-20 Osaka summit: India refuses to sign declaration on free flow of data across borders | India News, The Indian Express via @IndianExpress
— Akhil Deo (@akhildeo94) June 30, 2019