ment 6/28 '19 posted

• 팀은 모의 공격을 수행하기 위해 BladeRF 2.0 및 USRP B210을 사용했으며 수정된 소프트웨어로 상용 LTE 펨토셀까지도 사용했습니다.
• 전화는 메시지 자체를 거부할 수는 없지만, 적어도 메시지를 사용자에게 보여주기 전에 진짜임을 확인하고 사용자에게 표시 할 수 있습니다.

In April of 2018, the Federal Emergency Management Agency sent out the very first…
Impersonate The President With Consumer-Grade SDR []
In their paper, the researchers developed and tested a…
FEMA's presidential alerts are an easy target for spoofing attacks []
After an emergency alert was accidentally sent to Hawaii residents…
Researchers Demonstrate How US Emergency Alert System Can Be Hijacked and Weaponized []
Man, it has not been a good week for mobile phone security. Whether it’s the ongoing plague of…
It is easy to send fake threats through the emergency alert system []
You know those 'Presidential Alerts' and the Hawaii oops? Bad guys could weaponize the mobile…
Here's how hackers could hijack America's Wireless Emergency Alert system []
In January 2018, an emergency alert sent to local phones informed Hawaii residents of an impending…
Researchers Demonstrate How U.S. Emergency Alert System Can Be Hijacked and Weaponized []

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6/28 '19 answered

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Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
6/28 '19 answered

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