PSA: Your second-hand Nest cam might be accessible by the old owner []
Used Nest Cams risked exposing their new owners, but Google has since rolled out a fix []
You should be very careful about buying used Nest security cameras []
Buying Used Nest Cams Can Let Previous Owners Spy on You: Report []
Buyer Beware: Used Nest Cams Can Let People Spy on You []
Your used Nest Cam might have been spying on you for months []
After our story broke yesterday, Google reached out to let us know they'd be pushing through an update. We've since tested and confirmed that their Nest fix works—but we still think buyers and sellers of *any* used smart home gear need to be cautious.
— Wirecutter (@wirecutter) June 20, 2019
If you buy a used Nest, someone could be spying on you (even after you perform a factory reset)
— Roxanne Emadi (@roxanneemadi) June 19, 2019
I know it's super tempting to buy used smart home gadgets, but given the risk, maybe you shouldn't.
— dan seifert (@dcseifert) June 19, 2019
We've confirmed that the #nest fix works--but we still think buyers and sellers of any used smart home gear need to be cautious.
— Grant Clauser (@geclauser) June 20, 2019
You should be very careful about buying used Nest security cams by @killianbell
— Cult of Mac (@cultofmac) June 20, 2019
— Rene Ritchie (@reneritchie) June 20, 2019
Google told us this morning they sent out a fix to the #security issue. We're confirming it now.
— Grant Clauser (@geclauser) June 20, 2019