ment 6/25 '19 posted

• "Facebook Wink Users Group의 회원은 자신의 둥지 캠을 판매 한 후에도 자신의 구식 카메라의 이미지에 액세스 할 수 있다는 것을 발견했습니다.
• 이 특정 네스트 카메라는 판매되기 전에 리셋되었지만 어떻게든 원래 소유자의 윙크 허브에 연결되었습니다.
• 그 후 자동으로 업데이트될 이 문제에 대한 수정 프로그램이 출시되었으므로 Nest 카메라를 소유하고 있다면 아무런 조치를 취할 필요가 없습니다.

In today’s slice of not-so-secure security devices, a report by Wirecutter has shown another reason…
PSA: Your second-hand Nest cam might be accessible by the old owner []
Smart home gadgets can get pretty expensive, and some might be tempted to pick up their…
Used Nest Cams risked exposing their new owners, but Google has since rolled out a fix []
Who’s watching you through your Nest? Photo:…
You should be very careful about buying used Nest security cameras []
A new report by Wirecutter has highlighted that used Nest security cameras have been allowing…
Buying Used Nest Cams Can Let Previous Owners Spy on You: Report []
Note: After our story broke yesterday, a Google representative sent us the following statement: “We…
Buyer Beware: Used Nest Cams Can Let People Spy on You []
As our homes get smarter, our privacy is increasingly at risk. A terrifying example of…
Your used Nest Cam might have been spying on you for months []

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6/25 '19 answered

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