The online advertising industry breaks the law, says the UK’s data watchdog []
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Behavioural advertising is out of control, warns UK watchdog []
'The online behavioural advertising industry is illegally profiling internet users. That’s the damning assessment of the U.K.’s data protection regulator.'
— Jesse Felder (@jessefelder) June 21, 2019
what do the "GDPR is a failure" folks say to this? to me it seems like small-but-empowered regulators are taking a slowly-but-surely approach, flexing the new muscles GDPR gave them. it's gonna take a long time, but I think the landscape will be healthier in a few years
— hal (@halhod) June 21, 2019
.@riptari does an AMAZING job here, turning the ICO adtech/real-time bidding conclusions into layperson speak. As ever, an amazing, detailed long-form piece that does justice to legal complexity while being fun to read (despite mega dismal subject matter).
— Michael Veale (@mikarv) June 20, 2019
"The $200bn adtech industry, underpinned by Google, is operating illegally, according to a damning report from the UK’s data protection regulator on Thursday."
— Rasmus Kleis Nielsen (@rasmus_kleis) June 21, 2019
Excellent summary of today's ICO report on large-scale misuse of personal information across online advertising and adtech, which is disruptive in its diagnosis yet lacks an appropriate path to enforcement by @riptari:
— Wolfie Christl (@WolfieChristl) June 20, 2019
The $200bn adtech industry that funds the internet is operating unlawfully, according to UK data watchdog @ICOnews. Unfortunately, companies are only going to start taking this seriously when fines are levied. My piece -
— Madhumita Murgia (@madhumita29) June 20, 2019
Oh my. The explainer text alongside ICO filing is absolutely brilliant. For example, “...because if a pop-up asked you to agree to, for example, your political or sexual preferences being broadcast to hundreds of advertisers you’d be sure to click ‘hell no.’ “ ht @riptari
— Jason Kint (@jason_kint) June 21, 2019
Adtech industry operating illegally, rules UK regulator
— Financial Times (@FT) June 20, 2019
The @FT has the story on the @ICOnews report on real-time bidding adtech, which repeats what we submitted in our complaints to regulators back in September: "Adtech industry operating illegally, rules UK regulator".
— Johnny Ryan (@johnnyryan) June 21, 2019
Adtech industry operating illegally, rules UK regulator, on a complaint by @mikarv, our new UCL Laws lecturer: via @financialtimes
— Piet Eeckhout (@PietEeckhout) June 20, 2019
The @FT @madhumita29 on our adtech complaint & @ICOnews' report, highlighting the 'big security issues' the ICO noted in all RTB.
— Michael Veale (@mikarv) June 20, 2019
The headline says it all: 'Adtech industry operating illegally, rules UK regulator'. Time for action.
#Behaviouraladvertising is out of control, warns #UK watchdog - TechCrunch #Advertisement #privacy #GDPR #DSGVO #PR
— Paul Nemitz (@PaulNemitz) June 21, 2019
Behavioural #advertising is out of control, warns UK watchdog.#Neuromarketing #BigNudging @AttentionEconomy @hoven_j @CatholijnJonker @vdignum @bvdwalle @jvantill @digisus@StefanSchose @wissensfabrik @sibylleberg
— Dirk Helbing (@DirkHelbing) June 21, 2019
Excellent summary of today's ICO report on large-scale misuse of personal information across online advertising and adtech, which is disruptive in its diagnosis yet lacks an appropriate path to enforcement by @riptari:
— Wolfie Christl (@WolfieChristl) June 20, 2019
"The complexity and opacity involved in data-driven advertising also means internet users are hopelessly outgunned as their rights are systematically steamrollered"
— Sophie Chauvet (@SophieChauvet_) June 21, 2019