ment 6/25 '19 posted

• Cloudfare가 정지를 추가 성명에서 다음과 같이 설명하고 있습니다. "이른 오늘 광범위한 BGP 라우팅 누수가 여러 인터넷 서비스와 Cloudflare 트래픽의 일부에 영향을 미쳤습니다.
• 이 시점에서 네트워크 중단은 수정되고 트래픽 수준이 정상으로 돌아 가고 있습니다.

Popular chat service Discord experienced issues today due to network problems at Cloudflare and…
Discord was down due to Cloudflare and Verizon issues []
What better way to start off the week than by not being able to use virtually any online…
No, it’s not just you: Half of the internet is down, including Google, Amazon, and Reddit []
Cloudflare said in a statement: "Earlier today, a widespread BGP routing leak affected a number of…
Verizon BGP route leak causes Cloudflare customer outages, AWS issues []
Verizon customers reported Fios system outages early Monday. (Bebeto Matthews/AP) A previous…
Verizon, AWS experience system outages, customers report []

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6/25 '19 answered

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Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
6/25 '19 answered

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