Via the BBC, find out how Apollo 11’s Eagle actually landed []
Moon landing 50th anniversary: why people like Steph Curry have supported conspiracy theories []
3 Reasons Why Today's Space Race Is Better Than Apollo []
Now *this* sounds good: a BBC show focused in detail on Apollo 11's descent to the lunar surface.
— Nalla the Persuader (@marsroverdriver) June 24, 2019
#13MinutestotheMoon is my current podcast obsession
— Jack Stewart (@stewart_jack) June 23, 2019
Very thoughtful and considered review. Getting a thumbs up from AT is great. Via the BBC, find out how Apollo 11’s Eagle actually landed | Ars Technica
— Rami Tzabar (@scirad) June 23, 2019
Good write up of the current BBC Apollo podcast that’s presented by @Kevin_Fong ??
— Ian Robinson (@IanRobinson) June 23, 2019
Via the BBC, find out how Apollo 11’s Eagle actually landed
Immerse yourself in a key moment of Apollo history, courtesy of the BBC
— Jennifer Ouellette (@JenLucPiquant) June 23, 2019
I'm literally begging you to read my descent into MOON HOAX theories and who's making money off of them bc i'm pretty sure i now have permanent brain damage
— Rebecca Jennings (@rebexxxxa) June 24, 2019
Looks at me. Look at me.
— Meredith Haggerty (@manymanywords) June 24, 2019
read the @rebexxxxa story that very nearly caused the staff of the goods to become moon landing truthers!!
— Alanna Okun (@alanna) June 24, 2019
rebecca figured out WHO makes money off of moon landing conspiracy theories and yes technically one of the people is frank ocean!!!
— Kaitlyn Tiffany (@kait_tiffany) June 24, 2019
Humans first landed on the moon in 1969. Conspiracy theories about it have been around for almost that long.
— Vox (@voxdotcom) June 24, 2019
Who’s making money off moon landing conspiracy theories?
— The Goods by Vox (@thegoods) June 24, 2019
2019 & no one has the technology to land a man on the moon ?
— Stuart Barker DHL, UPS & Bar ?☘️? (@producelesloges) June 24, 2019
Ah! but they did 60s ?????
Moon landing conspiracies are harmless on their own, but they potentially helped lead to the normalization of conspiracies in general, which is definitely not harmless.
— Vox (@voxdotcom) June 24, 2019