ment 6/24 '19 posted

• 미 상무부는 군대 및 핵 용도로 슈퍼 컴퓨터와 부품을 사용하고 있다고 밝혔습니다.
• 뉴욕 타임스는 오늘 미 상무부가 중국 기업 4 곳과 중국 연구소 1 곳을 "엔티티 목록"에 추가한다고 발표했습니다. 미국 기업의 국가 안보 또는 외교 정책 이익에 위험을 제기한다고 합니다.
• 수곤 외에 엔티티에는 Higon, Chengdu Haiguang Integrated Circuit, Chengdu Haiguang Microelectronics Technology, Wuxi Jiangnan Institute of Computing Technology 등이 포함되며 중국의 고성능 컴퓨팅 개발을 이끌고있습니다.이 중 일부는 핵폭발 시뮬레이션과 같은 군사 응용에 쓰입니다.
• 이 연구소의 사명은 상무부에 따르면 "중국의 군사 현대화를 지원하는 것"이라고 밝혔습니다.

The Commerce Department said it is placing Wuxi Jiangnan Institute of Computing Technology and…
US details new restrictions on Chinese supercomputer companies []
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Commerce Department said on Friday it was adding several Chinese…
U.S. bars China supercomputer firms, institute from buying American parts []
The Commerce Department has reportedly issued export…
China's supercomputers are the latest target in US trade war []
The US government…
US blacklists five more Chinese tech companies []
Just as ISC19 wrapped up yesterday, showcasing the latest in supercomputing technology, the U.S.…
U.S. Blacklists Sugon, 4 Others from Access to Advanced Technology []
The U.S. Commerce Department has banned five more Chinese entities from buying U.S. components…
Chip stocks fall after Commerce Dept bars 5 more Chinese firms from buying US parts []
We've detected unusual activity from your computer network To continue, please…
Are you a robot? []
The Commerce Department on Friday took its broadest swipe yet at China’s supercomputing…
U.S. Targets China’s Supercomputing Push With New Export Restrictions []
Reports emerged today that the United States Department of Commerce will add AMD's…
U.S. Will Add AMD's China Joint Venture to Entity List, Cut Access to U.S. Technology (Updated) []
For years, chip companies like Intel have sold widely available microchips to supercomputer makers…
U.S. Blacklists More Chinese Tech Companies Over National Security Concerns []
President Trump added five more Chinese companies to the U.S. blacklist. This means they can’t buy…
Trump Adds 5 More Chinese Companies to U.S. Blacklist []
The Trump Administration has taken further action against China, placing several of the…
The U.S. blacklists five Chinese supercomputer firms, including AMD joint venture THATIC []
  On Thursday Patently Apple posted a report that included Apple's full letter to…
Prior to the Trump-Xi G20 Meeting on Trade, the U.S. Blacklists Five new Chinese companies on National Security Concerns []
The United States has added five Chinese organizations to its “Entity Listâ€� on Friday. Those…
The Entity List has suddenly grown – FutureSin – Medium []

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6/24 '19 answered

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