Signify launches Trulifi | Signify Company Website []
How to sync your Philips Hue Color & Ambiance with music, movies, and games []
Philips Hue company announces lights that beam data at 250 Mbps []
Signify's LiFi system promises up to 150 Mbps internet via LED lights []
Trulifi lights transmit and receive data by light, from Philips []
Philips Hue spin-off launches commercial LiFi system []
I just don't see the use case for client devices like phones and laptops considering the LOS requirement. Digital signage backhaul, P2P, IOT all would be neat use cases.
— Chris Reed ✈️ (@TheCMReed) June 20, 2019
Take your next party up a notch by syncing your Philips Hue lights with your music!
— iMore (@iMore) June 20, 2019
Philips Hue company announces lights that beam data at 250 Mbps
— Scott Edy ⚡ (@sr_edy) June 20, 2019
Philips Hue company announces lights that can beam data at 250 Mbps
— Prosenjit Datta (@ProsaicView) June 20, 2019
Philips Hue company announces lights that can beam data at 250 Mbps
— The Verge (@verge) June 20, 2019
Philips Hue company announces lights that can beam data at 250 Mbps
— Vic Nunes (@nunesvic) June 20, 2019
Signify seems like a really cool company. With all the Hue stuff and now this there seems to be some real drive in the company.
— Juhani Lehtimäki (@lehtimaeki) June 20, 2019
If you need mobile specialist services, Signify, please ping us at @snappmobile_io. I'd love to work with you! :)
Lifi is here! Using LEDs to send data through light waves, instead of wifi/4G/5G/bluetooth standard radio waves. Much faster and more secure than wifi, this could be a game changer!
— The Climate Group (@ClimateGroup) June 21, 2019
Philips Hue company announces lights that beam data at 250 Mbps - The Verge
— lunamoth (@lunamoth) June 21, 2019
4G 또는 Wi-Fi에서 사용되는 무선 신호가 아닌 광파를 사용하여 최대 150Mbps의 속도로 랩톱과 같은 장치로 데이터를 전송, LI-FI 신호를 수신하려면 USB 액세스 키 필요
Philips Hue announces lights that beam data at 250 mbps -
— Mark DuBois (@Mark_DuBois) June 20, 2019
I used to use "data from the light bulbs" as an experimental use case to take thinking away from eth + wifi in threat modelling... but now it's actually here, I can point to LiFi for real! #dataleakage #infosec #cybersecurity
— Simon Stahn (@SimonStahn) June 20, 2019