ment 6/19 '19 posted

• 또한 알림을 통해 구독 관리 인터페이스로 바로 이동하여 구독을 취소할 수 있습니다.
• 프롬프트에서 '유지(Keep)' 작업을 선택하고 앱을 삭제하지 않거나 '구독 관리'를 탭하여 구독을 취소할 수 있습니다.
• Apple은 iOS 13 Beta 2에서 아직 활성 구독 중인 응용 프로그램을 제거하려고 할 때 나타나는 경고를 추가했습니다.
• "이 응용 프로그램에 대한 구독을 유지하시겠습니까?

Apple has taken several steps over the last year to make users more aware of the…
iOS 13 adds new subscription warning for users []
Competition is great for the consumer, but it also means you end up having to keep tabs on umpteen…
iOS 13 Will Remind You to Cancel Those Bloodsucking Subscriptions []
Something to look forward to: Apple's upcoming iOS 13 is currently in…
iOS 13 will warn users if they delete an app with an active subscription []
Just like the second beta of tvOS 13, iOS 13 Beta 2 has some nice surprises we’re hearing about for…
iOS 13 will notify you if you delete an app that has a subscription []
iOS 13 Will Warn Users When Deleting Apps with Active…
iOS 13 Warns Users When Deleting Apps with Active Subscription []
Apple has added a warning in iOS 13 beta 2 that appears when you try to uninstall an app which…
Latest iOS beta prompts you to unsubscribe when uninstalling apps with paid subs []
iOS 13 and iPadOS now warn you if you attempt to delete apps with active subscriptions. The new…
iOS 13 warns you when you delete apps with active subscriptions []
Apple has just released the second iOS 13 beta to developers, ahead of the public beta…
iOS 13 will tell you when you’re about to delete apps with active subscriptions []
Apple has introduced a new feature reminding users when they delete an app that contains an…
iOS 13 to Warn Users When Deleting Apps with Active Subscriptions []
iOS 13 Will Warn You When You Delete an App With an Active SubscriptionA new popup warning users…
iOS 13 Will Warn You When You Delete an App With an Active Subscription []

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6/19 '19 answered

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Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
6/19 '19 answered

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