ment 6/19 '19 posted

• Libra가 운영되는 곳에서는 현지 규정에도 복종해야 합니다. 통화가 처음에 어디에서 시작되는지는 분명하지 않습니다.
• Facebook은 Calibra라고하는 독립형 자회사를 설립했습니다. 예, 잠재적으로 혼란스럽습니다.
• Calibra는 자체 독립형 앱을 보유할 예정이지만 Messenger 및 WhatsApp은 물론 Facebook 자체 안의 사람에게도 비용을 지불할 수 있습니다.

Facebook has announced its cryptocurrency Libra and a global association of organizations…
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Subscribe to read | Financial Times []
Facebook is finally ready to talk about its blockchain plans. Following numerous reports…
Facebook confirms it will launch a cryptocurrency called Libra in 2020 []
When Libra is launched next year, Facebook says it will debut its own digital wallet service,…
Facebook cryptocurrency: how Libra will change the way you spend money []
Quick Take Facebook today unveiled its new low-volatility…
Facebook releases plan for its Libra cryptocurrency to 'meet the daily financial needs of billions of people' []

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6/19 '19 answered

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Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
6/19 '19 answered

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