Facebook's New Crypto Faces Scrutiny From European Authorities [www.coindesk.com]
European regulators are already pressing Facebook about its cryptocurrency [www.theverge.com]
Facebook's Crypto Already Embroiled in Political Turmoil [ethereumworldnews.com]
Everything you need to know about Facebook's Libra cryptocurrency [www.cnet.com]
Facebook's Libra cryptocurrency: where are the banks? [www.theblockcrypto.com]
French Finance Minister Asks For Central Bank Review Of Facebook's Libra Cryptocurrency [www.ethnews.com]
It's already begun. France is calling for a central bank review of Libra https://t.co/Nc5iRm2pw2
— Joe Weisenthal (@TheStalwart) June 18, 2019
How did Facebook not realize that regulators around the world would be unhappy about the launch of a new global currency controlled by a single entity? This is hilariously sloppy. https://t.co/NtCsB3lxFt
— nilay patel (@reckless) June 18, 2019
"[French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire] concerns include privacy, money laundering and terrorism finance."
— Sjors Provoost (@provoost) June 18, 2019
He shouldn't be concerned about privacy. Zuckbucks will offer better financial surveillance than EU finance ministers can dream of. It's a FATF wet dream. https://t.co/U9S6Dybvhn
The ranking member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs just released this statement on Facebook's Libra cryptocurrency. Libra is (rightfully) going to get a ton of scrutiny. (h/t @ashleyrgold) pic.twitter.com/HrOUGdYq45
— Alex Heath (@alexeheath) June 18, 2019
France Calls for Central Bank Review of Facebook Cryptocurrency
— Aditya Singh (@CryptooAdy) June 18, 2019
‘’Multinational corporations such as Facebook must not be allowed to operate in a regulatory nirvana when introducing virtual currencies’’https://t.co/fJQq8IN0DF pic.twitter.com/k7WaZ4fqt7
Oh Oh! Aren’t you glad that #Telcoin is handling compliance first? ?
— H|D (@invest_in_hd) June 18, 2019
Guess who will have a product in the App Store soon! Right...$TEL #FinancialInclusion https://t.co/wcCcG1phq1
Facebook’s New Crypto Faces Scrutiny From European Authorities https://t.co/d8IzotSeo5
— Real Time Crypto (@RealTimeCrypto) June 18, 2019
https://t.co/UNGhcOTZQL Interesting how the article compares #Libra with Italian mini-bonds (it is not the first time I see that comparison being thrown around today)
— Ludovico Rella (@ludovico_rella) June 18, 2019
Facebook’s New Crypto Faces Scrutiny From European Authorities | CoinDesk https://t.co/uNOH6zyvNn
— ?CRYPTO MOON? (@manianban) June 18, 2019
French finance minister warns Facebook's new crypto coin must not “become a sovereign currency.” Because what could possibly go wrong?https://t.co/EpwnVH7eGt via @Verge
— Carole Cadwalladr (@carolecadwalla) June 18, 2019
European regulators are already pressing Facebook about its cryptocurrency https://t.co/fwHuhc8FYY pic.twitter.com/Lh1J5qxnvY
— The Verge (@verge) June 18, 2019
Currency is a social agreement to which we assign value. And the EU isn't valuing Facebook's new currency, with both France and Germany calling for regulation. #Libra #cryptocurrency #EUhttps://t.co/bkCVoamJ7P
— Because Culture ? (@BecauseCulture) June 18, 2019
"One need only look at who is missing... to understand what is being replaced. In the case of the @Facebook-led Libra Association, which was unveiled today, the missing link from our current financial world is glaring: there are no banks!" https://t.co/xhzFcAqF9E
— Mike Dudas (@mdudas) June 18, 2019
Facebook's Libra cryptocurrency: where are the banks? https://t.co/8fdb2mmeSL
— The Block (@TheBlock__) June 18, 2019
페이스북의 새로운 크립토는 유럽 당국의 정밀 조사에 직면 https://t.co/0PrU5xNBJ0
— editoy (@editoy) June 19, 2019
Nation states are realizing, or soon will, that their currencies are way more fragile than they thought.
— Stefano ₿ernardi ? (@stefanobernardi) June 18, 2019
My speculation is that Libra has little chances of gaining approval for their fiat-to-crypto bridges, while being the beginning of the end for fiat.https://t.co/He8dkO9GQ0
European regulators are already pressing Facebook about its cryptocurrency https://t.co/fwHuhc8FYY pic.twitter.com/piao2EJrrX
— The Verge (@verge) June 19, 2019
European regulators are already pressing Facebook about its cryptocurrency https://t.co/v6CsKhsfIz
— ≡l≡v≡nth (@3L3V3NTH) June 18, 2019
Don’t get confuse, Facebook is just one more of the members of an existing organisation, their vote has no more power than the others. However, It rise an alarm why all this global Corps are part of this Libra Association.
— Bitcoin SV En Español (@BSVspanish) June 18, 2019
Do you think this is a danger? https://t.co/R4xlVmY5ET