ment 6/18 '19 posted

• 교황 프란치스코는 급속한 지구 온난화의 영향을 막기 위해서는 깨끗한 저탄소 전력 공급원으로의 "과격한 에너지 전환"이 필요하다고 석유 임원들에게 경고했습니다.

Pope Francis has warned oil executives that a “radical energy transition” over to clean, low-carbon…
Pope Francis tells oil execs that radical energy transition is needed []
Pope Francis has told the leaders of global oil and gas corporations that carbon pricing is…
Pope: World climate emergency demands 'radical energy transition' []
Pope Francis has declared a global “climate emergency”, warning of the dangers of global heating…
Pope Francis declares 'climate emergency' and urges action []

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6/18 '19 answered

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