ment 6/13 '19 posted

• 호주, 뉴질랜드 및 북아시아의 Uber 지역 총책임자인 Susan Anderson은 로이터 통신과의 인터뷰에서 "호주 정부는 승차공유 및 미래 운송 기술에 대해 미래 지향적 접근법을 채택했기 때문에 멜버른이 선정되었습니다.
• "이것은 멜버른의 독특한 인구 통계 및 지리 공간적 요인, 혁신 및 기술 문화와 함께 멜버른을 UberAir의 완벽한 세 번째 런치 도시로 만듭니다."라고 덧붙였습니다.
• 멜버른에서 시험 비행은 Westfield 쇼핑 센터 7 곳 중 하나에서 도시의 주요 국제 공항까지 운행합니다.

FILE PHOTO: A screen displays the company logo for Uber Technologies Inc. on the day of it's IPO at…
Uber picks Melbourne as test site for flying taxi service []
Susan Anderson, Uber's Regional General Manager for…
Uber will test its flying taxis in Melbourne []
In brief: Uber has picked a third test city to host trials of its flying…
Uber picks Melbourne as third test city for its flying taxi service []
Uber has today announced Australia as the first international market for Uber Air, with Melbourne…
Uber announces Melbourne, Australia as first international Uber Air pilot city []
Melbourne will be the first city outside the US to host trials of Uber Air, a service the company…
Uber Air announces Melbourne as trial city for flying taxi service []
Test flights in the Australian city will begin by next year and the ride-hailing company is aiming…
Uber Air taxis: Australia's Melbourne picked for first tests outside America []

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6/13 '19 answered

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Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
6/13 '19 answered

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