ment 6/13 '19 posted

• 7 월에 변경 사항이 적용되면 Drive에 추가한 사진과 동영상은 자동으로 Photos에 표시되지 않습니다.
• Schlosser와 Gupta는 "이 변경은 제품간에 우발적인 삭제를 방지하도록 설계되었습니다.
• "이 변경 전에 드라이브에서 업로드한 Photos안의 모든 사진 또는 비디오는 Photos에 남아있게 됩니다.

Google has long offered syncing between Google Photos and Google Drive, but it’s putting an end…
Google is ending its confusing integration between Google Photos and Drive []
Google has long maintained an optional link between Google Drive and Google Photos, but…
Images will no longer automatically sync between Google Drive and Photos starting in July []
You'll be able to import files from Drive into Photos using…
Google will stop syncing files between Drive and Photos []

Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
6/13 '19 answered

permanent link
Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
6/13 '19 answered

permanent link