Google Maps will alert you when your taxi goes off route []
Google Maps tests a new alert for when your taxi goes off route []
Google tests new safety features for Google Maps []
Google Maps is testing an alert that lets you know when your cab goes off route []
Some Google Maps users are getting an off-route alert for taxis []
Google Maps picks up high-quality traffic info in dozens of nations as part of latest data-set upgrades []
Google Maps testing off-route taxi alerts in India []
Google Maps is testing a new safety feature for taxi passengers []
Google brings the Assistant to Waze []
"Google Maps is getting another feature which will help you stay safe while riding a taxi by alerting you every time your ride gets off the route."@Google @xdadevelopers #GoogleMaps #technology
— TEDxSVNIT (@tedxsvnit) June 10, 2019
Google Maps is testing a new safety feature for taxi passengers
— The Verge (@verge) June 10, 2019
구글 맵, 택시 승객을 위한 새로운 안전 기능 테스트 중. 택시가 500m 이상 경로 벗어나면 승객에게 알려. "Off-Route alerts로 불리는 이 기능, "Stay Safe" 메뉴에서 선택할 수 있음. 이는 어떤 이유든지 택시 운전기사가 승객의 목적지에서 이탈하는 것 방지하기 위한 것.
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) June 10, 2019
당신의 택시가 경로를 벗어날 때 Google지도는 당신에게 경고합니다
— editoy (@editoy) June 11, 2019
Am torn by this. As a safety feature is good. But not sure where it is taking us in terms of trust and anxiety...
— Sharon Richardson (@joiningdots) June 11, 2019
Google Maps is testing a new safety feature for taxi passengers
— The Verge (@verge) June 11, 2019