Only five per cent of vulns are exploited by hackers []
— Catalin Cimpanu (@campuscodi) June 4, 2019
- analyzed 76,000 CVEs
- found POCs for 9,726
- found evidence of 4,183 vulnerabilities exploited in the wild
- of these ~2,100 had public POCs, meaning attackers created their own exploit code for half of the exploited flaws
Study finds no link between the release of PoC exploit code on public websites and the start of exploitation attempts
— Security Response (@threatintel) June 5, 2019
#weis 2009-2018: "Exploit-in-the-Wild" (ie detected Fortinet sensors, SANS ISC etc) vs Published Exploits from paper on improving vuln remediation (via E-i-t-W proxy) [4.2k observations of unique exploits used in the wild, & 9.7k of written exploit code]
— Daniel Bilar (@daniel_bilar) June 4, 2019
In a study conducted by @KennaSecurity, @cyentiainst and more, researchers analysed 76,000 security flaws unearthed between 2009 & 2018 and found that 5.5%, were actually exploited in the wild by hackers.
— Costanoa Ventures (@costanoavc) June 7, 2019
Coverage on exploit prediction WEIS presentation by @SashaRomanosky
— Ed Bellis (@ebellis) June 5, 2019
…and Research Paper:
Improving Vulnerability Remediation Through Better Exploit Prediction
— TROOPERS Conference (@WEareTROOPERS) June 4, 2019
Only 5.5% of all vulnerabilities are ever exploited in the wild
— Catalin Cimpanu (@campuscodi) June 4, 2019
Only 5.5% of vulns actually get exploited. Are you wasting time patching the wrong vulnerabilities? Be sure to ask us about our vulnerability management service to maximize your precious resources.
— X-Force Red (@xforcered) June 5, 2019
The good news: Only 5.5% of vulnerabilities are exploited. The bad news: That is still 4,183 vulnerabilities over last 10 years.
— Chris Wysopal (@WeldPond) June 5, 2019
Other bad news: some of those vulnerabilities are on millions of computers. This is great research!
Only 5.5% of all vulnerabilities are ever exploited in the wild (ZDNet)
— Patrick C Miller (@PatrickCMiller) June 5, 2019
Only 5.5% of all vulnerabilities are ever exploited in the wild. @KennaSecurity security researchers also obtained a count of the prevalence of each vulnerability derived from scans of hundreds of corporate networks derived from vulnerability scanner info.
— Costanoa Ventures (@costanoavc) June 5, 2019
Only 5.5% of all vulnerabilities are ever exploited in the wild | ZDNet
— Veronique Loquet (@vloquet) June 5, 2019
Only 5.5% of all vulnerabilities are ever exploited in the wild | ZDNet
— CCSF Cyber Club (@CCSF_Cyber_Club) June 5, 2019